
Shuvu network of schools being introduced to South Africa

The Shuvu network of schools in Israel was founded 27 years ago by the rosh yeshiva of Torah V’Daas in New York, Hagaon Harav Avrohom Yaakov Pam, to provide a frum framework for the thousands of Russian underprivileged children arriving in Israel at the time, lacking any knowledge of sense of their Yiddishkeit.



Since its inception, the Shuvu network has grown to an educational empire with 74 Mosdos and Kiruv programmes spanning every major city in Israel, from Be’er Sheva down south, to Akko in the north, including kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and even a Kollel Avreichim.

The Johannesburg community will be able to hear more about Shuvu and its current campaign, as Shuvu-Israel staff member Rabbi Ephraim Lavon is in town until November 29.  

In this picture, the Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein celebrates with the latest group of Shuvu barmitzvah boys.


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