Letters/Discussion Forums
Silence Mideast critics by returning to 1948 borders
The letter from Merlynn Edelstein of the SAJFP in last week’s Jewish Report refers.

Dennis Kahlberg
I would very much like to see the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians resolved by the return of Israel to the 1948 borders. But the borders before the 1948 war started was the land partitioned by the UN, and Israel was given all the land west of the Jordan River, that is between the river and the sea.
After the war and the armistice was signed, Jordan had occupied Judea and Samaria which they continued to occupy for 19 years until Israel managed to reclaim the territory in the 1967 Six Day War.
In the 19 years that Jordan occupied Israeli territory, no-one ever made a complaint in favour of Israel and certainly not the UN.
I would therefore suggest that all efforts be made to solve the Middle East problem by returning to the 1948 borders and that organisations such as SAJFP, J Street and like-minded organisations campaign for a just peace and “put their money where their mouth is”.
Maybe that way we will be able to settle the world’s troubles as Israel is the only country in the area with which these groups find fault.
Fairmount, Johannesburg