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Small minds concentrate on differences  greater minds on building bridges



Michele Engelberg, Johannesburg

It indicates that they are unfortunately far removed from our people.

Shockingly, Kim Heller confesses that she has “great respect for Mngxitama as a politician”! What calibre of person “respects” a “politician” who belittles a people’s lowest point in recent history; who sums up the murder of millions into a grotesque “joke”?

It’s not only sickening, but it points to the low levels that Mngxitama is willing to stoop to get some publicity and to appeal to the lowest common denominator in the masses. His comments reflect his baseness. If one “respects” such a person, then one should really question one’s own standards, even motives, etc.

As far as Mngxitama is concerned: If he were in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, he would have been sterilised (so as not to produce more non-Aryan offspring) or he too would have been murdered. People of colour were also considered to be subhuman.

People are generally not so different, but it takes a small mind to concentrate on our differences and exacerbate them… Greater minds see the similarities and build bridges.



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