
Spotlight on KDL’s new student leaders
King David Linksfield has a new student leadership body who are rearing to go for 2020-2021. The high school held online elections on 20 July and the leaders were announced four days later.
This year, to make sure that voting was fair, the school created software to ensure that students were only able to log in once to cast their votes.
The school wasn’t able to announce the new leadership live as usual, but it made the announcement in a webinar, and as each student leader was announced, the cameras switched onto the students so that the rest of the school was able to see them. It also put the spotlight on each head of committee and the deputy and head student leaders when their names were called.
The school believes that in these unusual times, it’s important to elect new student leadership at the start of the third term so that the committees for which they work can continue their successful campaigns and initiatives but with new leadership, giving the matrics the time they need to focus on prelims and final exams.
Mazeltov to the newly elected student leaders!
Talya Atie (head student leader), Daniel Azoulay, Joshua Beck, Chad Bernitz, Joshua Berson, Jacob Boner, Jade Copans, Raphael Da Costa (head student leader), Lexi Davies, Kayla Feinberg, Tali Froehlich, Erin Hertz, Gilad Janet, Samara Jay (deputy head student leader), Daniel Joseph, Aaron Kahanovitz, Demi Kaplan, Georgia Kerem, Dylan Kruger, Hannah Lever, Natalia Levin, Cassidy Levy, Jethro Levy, Farra Rabinowitz, Daniel Rakusin, Michael Rock, Cody Rosin, Jessica Sacks, Sasha Said, Hanna-Abby Sass, Megan Seef, Benjamin Shmukler, Jordan Sluzki, Lia Solomon, Aaron Stoch, Daniel Strous, Zara Tradonsky, and Shannon Wolpe (deputy head student leader).