Letters/Discussion Forums

Stop asking where humanitarians are, and start helping



I’m not irritated at Mr Stern for having an opinion in the letters column (SA Jewish Report, 3 March 2022), neither am I irritated about him expressing his opinion for, as Voltaire once penned, “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”

The truth of the matter is Mr Stern had only one question: where are the humanitarians? My irritation is at the sheer gall in implying that South Africans and South African organisations have done nothing to help Ukraine. This is demoralising for those who have helped and a slap in the face for all those who have donated time and money to assist suffering Ukrainians.

I submit that your question is trite, sir, and that instead of standing on a soap box yelling, “Where are the humanitarians?”, would your time not better be served in using the ink to call for people to donate to assist.

Speaking of which, anybody wishing to donate to the people of the Ukraine can go to:  Unicef.org; Savethechildren.org; or UNHRC.org

1 Comment

  1. S.Roux

    January 6, 2024 at 9:24 am

    It is with great sadness to admit I live in a country run by a skunk government. The fact that they have the audacity to run to the ICC to start a case against Israel on the Palestine war. I am ashamed.
    However there is an agenda behind it. the ANC is in trouble with their masses. With the next election they might lose the majority vote. To boost their chances they have to look at other means to attract votes. What better canvasing as to attack Israel to please the Hammas supporting Muslem voters.
    As a Christian, I pray to God to support Israel in the war effort. God be with you.

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