
Sydenham Shul’s weekly programme for young Jews

Sydenham Shul relaunched SpiritShul ’n Social last Tuesday night. It’s a weekly learning and social programme catering for students and young professionals in the Johannesburg community. It offers an opportunity for young Jews to connect, discuss issues and socialise in a welcoming and relaxed environment.



“Our YoungJewishJoburg programmes cater for young adults in their 20s and 30s,” explained Rabbi Yehuda Stern, rabbi of the Sydenham SpiritShul and director of the shul’s Young Adults division. “This generation is the future of our community and it is our goal to find ways of including them in community life and engaging with them on topics and issues that are relevant to their age and stage of life. This is the purpose of our Tuesday night programme.”

The event was relaunched this year at Sydenham Shul’s newly renovated Youth Centre (Bayit)

The guest speaker was Rabbi Shmuel Moffson, who delivered a motivating speech on the power of each individual to make a difference.

fterwards, he challenged guests to a game of table tennis, while Rabbi Stern joined a doubles pool game.

  • The SpiritShul programme continues this Tuesday night at 19:45. For more details contact Rabbi Stern at the Sydenham Shul office or at

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