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Is your life today the way you had dreamed it would be? The Torah tells us that our forefather, Jacob, loved Rachel. Jacob was captivated by...
I’ve been counting the days. Have you? Since Shemini Atzeret, 7 October, together with millions of Jews around the world, I have been counting. Five days,...
What’s the one blessing you seek most from G-d? Is it financial success, health, or perhaps the blessings of family and friends? This week’s Torah portion,...
One has to wonder why the Torah goes into such great detail to describe the construction of the Mishkan – the Tabernacle – which the Jews...
When do we think of G-d most? At which moments in our lives are we most cognisant of the creator? And does Hashem ever seem to...
It sometimes seems as if everybody I meet either belongs to Pine Street Shul, once belonged to Pine Street Shul, or has a close family member...