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A wealthy businessman presented his nephew with a siddur for his Barmitzvah, and the nephew was most disappointed. From his rich uncle, he was hoping for...
Not many rabbis can boast that one of their regular classes has been going uninterrupted for nearly 40 years. Rabbi Yossy Goldman, life rabbi emeritus of...
Hey, does anybody still make new year’s resolutions? Maybe you do still make resolutions and yours goes something like mine? “My new year’s resolution this year...
The Western Wall is where our people go to pray, to celebrate simchas, and to mourn the destruction of our Holy Temple. As next week we...
Believe it or not, there was a time when Moses was afraid. Yes, the greatest leader of all time, the man who vanquished Pharaoh, split the...
Perspective. What a difference it makes. How we look, where we look, and the way we look at things always colours our impressions. In this week’s...
Jews have always been fond of answering one question with another. In fact, Golda Meir was once asked by a journalist, “Why do Jews always answer...
Since becoming life rabbi emeritus of Sydenham Shul in 2021, my wife Rochel and I have been travelling extensively. I’ve been invited to speak in more...
Do you know that the Jews left Egypt in haste? Don’t you remember? That’s why we eat matzah on Pesach. “They baked the dough that they...
The first shidduch in history occurs in this week’s parsha. Abraham sends his faithful servant, Eliezer, to find a bride for his son, Isaac. He hands...
I still remember Mr Seligman, my old English teacher back in high school in Brooklyn, standing at the head of the class, acting out the scene...
Times have changed, but what about people? Has human nature evolved over the millennia, or are we basically the same as we always were? About five...
What’s the best way to influence people to modify their behaviour? The Book of Deuteronomy begins with Moses castigating his people about their past misbehaviour. He...
In the early 1980s, the Lubavitch movement in South Africa was given a blessing by Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson (the Rebbe) to build a new school...
Who is holy? Is it the mystic in the mountains, the monk in the monastery, or the guru in the garage? Perhaps it’s the lady with...
I still remember a particular radio advert from my youth. It was for Salem menthol cigarettes – a jingle to the words, “You can Salem out...
Here in South Africa, our national treasure continues to be the late Nelson Mandela. The status and respect he enjoys even after his death are legendary....
Pesach is such an interesting Yomtov. While the basic observances are pretty much universal, everybody seems to have their own unique way of celebrating.
Popular SydShul Rabbi Yossy Goldman has his say on the “CALL FOR JEWS TO LEAVE SA” posters on Joburg street-poles yesterday and his feelings on the...
Rabbi Yossy Goldman “Abraham’s great trek would be the fulfilment of his calling as the father of monotheism” writes Rabbi Yossy Goldman of Sydenham Shul in...