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How many times have you heard this sentence (and be honest): “He/she is lovely, smart … but he/she doesn’t look Jewish.” Our weekly portion, B’haalotecha, teaches...
Shavuot begins this Sunday night, and the highlight of the festival – apart from cheesecake – is the reading of the ten commandments in synagogues on...
Tragedy struck in Meron, Israel, last week. Dozens of deaths and injuries in a horrific collapse as thousands were celebrating the joyous day of Lag B’Omer....
“Twelve thousand pairs of students were under Rebbi Akiva, and they all died in one chapter for they did not act respectfully to each other. It...
As the Jewish nation camps in the wilderness linking the land of the Pharaohs and the promised land, they are warned not to emulate the behaviour...
We are in the midst of counting the Omer – a commandment to count the days and weeks from the second day of Pesach until Shavuot....
This week’s parsha details the laws of kashrus. The Torah makes a brave statement by enumerating the one and only animal that has split hooves but...
Pesach is again here. Another yom tov under the confines of the pandemic, though this time, baruch Hashem, the end is in sight. We are on...
In the month of Nissan, in which the redemption from Egypt took place, there is a Talmudic discussion about the time of the future redemption. Rabbi...
Transparency and accountability are the buzzwords for 21st century corporate governance. No doubt all upright, honourable people welcome every effort to stop corruption and dishonesty in...
Some time ago, a friend shared a personal anecdote that has stayed with me because of the simple yet powerful message it conveys. Beggars are, sadly,...
When would Hashem ever want us not to daven? In Parshat Beshalach, as the Jewish people were standing between the sea, the Egyptian army, and the...
In Exodus: 25:1-2, “G-d spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to the children of Israel and have them take for me an offering; from every person whose...
Overnight sensations are often just that. They don’t necessarily last. Slow and steady, step by step, the gradual approach usually has longevity and more enduring success....
While the highlight of this week’s parsha is undoubtedly the revelation of Hashem at Mount Sinai, the preceding narrative shouldn’t be ignored. Yitro, Moshe’s father-in-law, observes...
The news that the Moderna vaccine is at least somewhat effective against the South African strain of coronavirus was met with some sense of relief and...
On Shabbat morning, 10th Shevat 5710, 28 January 1950, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, left this world. One year later, the seventh Lubavitcher...
Imagine you’ve been working on the job for years and years. It’s hard, manual labour and you’re not simply tired but exhausted, demoralised, drained, and frustrated....
The story of Jewish history is unique among all civilisations. No nation has been confronted with adversity as it has and survived. Yet the Jewish people...
This week the dreaded encounter between Jacob and Esau finally materialises. After two decades, the twin brothers who are anything but identical square up. Jacob, who...
In this week’s Torah portion, we read that Jacob journeyed to his mother’s family in Haran while on the run from his murderous brother Esau. As...
A while ago, I had the privilege of attending meetings with fellow rabbis. It was a mixture of business and retreat. There was so much to...
Don’t people love saying, “Be true to yourself”, “Don’t forget who you are”, or “You don’t want to see the real me?” Some people erroneously believe...
Spending much of my time with elderly people as I do comes with the perk of learning invaluable life lessons from those with decades of experience....
Now Sudan has joined the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in reconciling its differences with Israel. The Abraham Accord is growing, and promises even greater things...
The world had become corrupt during Noah’s time. It had reached the point where G-d had to hit the reset button – destroy the world in...
I always feel very emotional saying farewell to the sukkah at the end of the festival. For a week, we have been sheltered in G-d’s embrace,...
For those who believe in the terrible finality of death, once someone has left physical life behind, it’s dead and buried and the proverbial nail in...
“May my words fall like rain, may my speech flow like dew.” So goes the introduction to Moshe’s famous speech using evocative imagery. As he speaks...
Today [Rosh Hashanah] is the birthday of the world. Everything we know came into being on this day except the creator of all things. Why did...
The month of Elul is a time of repentance in preparation for the high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The word elul means search,...
Kicking people out of one’s seat in shul, and being kicked out of someone else’s seat, as unpleasant as both interactions are, seem to be a...
A husband turns to his wife after leaving a party, and asks if she noticed an acquaintance of theirs. His wife asks, “Are you referring to...
Exegetical license is a powerful tool in the hands of rabbis. (In simpler English, it’s the right to stray from the literal meaning of scripture in...
Who is more important, the Jew or the Jewish people? In last week’s parsha, we read the first chapter of the Shema. This week, we read the...
The ten commandments are perhaps the most famous part of the Torah. They appear first in the book of Shemos/Exodus, and they are repeated in this...