
Telfed awards anniversary scholarships

In a spectacular kick-off to its 70th anniversary celebrations, 531 scholarships were awarded by Telfed, the SA Zionist Federation (Israel), on Sunday.



An annual event on Telfed’s calendar, this year’s extraordinary Annual Scholarship Gathering was hosted at the Knesset by MK Dr Avraham Neguise, chairperson of the Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs. Among those attending were the head of the Lone Soldiers Department of the Israeli Defence Forces, the head of the Student Authority of Misrad Haklita, and the Head of Communications of the Jewish Agency.

Scholarships are awarded under the stewardship of Telfed’s Endowments, Scholarships and PRAS Committee (aka the ESP Committee).

Two thirds of this year’s recipients are Olim, or the children or grandchildren of Southern African Olim. In addition, 166 Israeli students, whose origins range from Ethiopia to Australia, were scholarship recipients.

In his opening, Neguise expressed his gratitude to Telfed for its successful contribution in the absorption of more than 25 000 Olim over “seven decades of outstanding service”. He spoke of the equal opportunity awarded to all Israelis, encouraging the students to maximise these opportunities.

Batya Shmukler, the chair of Telfed, touched on some of Telfed’s inspirational work and how it has evolved from an organisation that was created to assist Southern African Machal soldiers in 1948.

Four scholarship recipients recounted their experiences, acknowledging the importance of Telfed’s Scholarship Programme.

Telfed aims to promote the quality of life of Southern Africans in Israel, as well as to support their participation in, and contribution to, Israeli society. Scholarships are awarded based on financial need and on recipients’ commitment to work as volunteers with Olim families, including rendering their support for the elderly and for children with special needs. Additional scholarships are awarded to South African citizens who wish to study in Israel, in English (often a catalyst for Aliya).

  • If you would like more information or to schedule an interview with Shely Cohen, chair of the ESP Committee, please call Shely on +972 52 275 2762 or email

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