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Temple Mount: ISIS and Unesco actions one and the same



Allan Wolman. Rosebank, Johannesburg

These heritage sites are now gone forever just as the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount has been destroyed, not by ISIS, but by the very organisation mourning those destroyed heritage sites in Syria and Iraq – Unesco.

Is the passing of the resolutions by Unesco denying any Jewish and Christian connection to the Temple Mount any different to the destruction of those heritage sites destroyed by ISIS?

No, worse because the resolutions of Unesco now “officially” deny both the Old and New Testament. Those resolutions now make those priceless works of art depicting Christ on the Cross (in Jerusalem) found in the great cathedrals and galleries of the world null and void, and the volumes of books attesting to Jewish and Christian connection to Jerusalem should now be removed from the library shelves and burned because Unesco, the guardian of education, science and culture, has deemed that education is false, scientific proof false and the culture of two of the great faiths false.

The ISIS destruction of heritage sites – as awful as that was – does not deny what those sites represent and the historical value is still recorded in books and works of art. However, the “official” denial of any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount and Christendom’s founding at that very place is now officially expunged by a world body legitimising an obscenity which will now become “official” history.

Shame on the world and shame on South Africa for supporting such a resolution! 

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    November 10, 2016 at 3:00 pm

    ‘SA & those that supported the UNESCO resolution are vacuous and asinine’

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