
Thank you, BDS, for making us stronger
Dear BDS,
I would like to offer this message of thanks to all the members and supporters of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement around the world. As chairman of the Zionist Federation it remains my task to strengthen and galvanise the support of the Jewish State not only amongst all South African Jews, but beyond, to include all those that share and appreciate the values and relevance of the State of Israel in the context of global affairs.
You have made our job that much easier …
You have tried to threaten us and what we stand for. Through your endless tirades of hatred from calls to “Shoot the Jew”, to fermenting calls to expel Jews from campuses around South Africa. From consistently lying to and entrapping the media, academia and civil society, and by leading marches on business (perceived by you to be run by Jews) – you have forced more Jews and friends of Israel to stand up and be counted.
You have made us realise that we can never take the gift of Jewish sovereignty in our historical and biblical homeland for granted. You have forced us to work very hard to show the world that you are neither telling the truth, nor representing the best interests of the Palestinian people. You have helped us build a friendship circle of pro-Israel ambassadors, all willing to share the truth of what is really taking place in the Middle East.
We thank you for showing those who were “on the fence” that racism and hatred can never lead to peace.
Through your efforts to intimidate and propagate blatant lies you have only strengthened our resolve to appreciate who we are, where we come from and what we represent.
You have forced us to break the shackles of isolation that for so long we have used to protect ourselves and you have pushed us to reach out and engage with the outside world like never before. We have made many new friends!
You have been instrumental in bringing people of ALL FAITHS, CULTURES, NATIONS AND SOCIETIES of the world together – whether it be massive parts of the Christian world including the Evangelic Church, the Catholics and the largest Black Churches in Africa, or the mighty nations of India, China and all of Africa.
Thank you too for helping us educate the world by your actions that have caused us to explain the importance of a place one can freely practice their own religion – no matter what it may be – and showcase the democracy that is Israel.
You have pushed the mighty nations of the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and France to pass legislation that not only protects Israel against your devious efforts but has strengthened and fortified the economic relationship between Israel and these nations.
Thanks to you the US CONGRESS has agreed “to increase the use of its voice, vote, and influence in international organizations and other appropriate international forums to actively oppose politically motivated acts of boycott, divestment from, and sanctions against Israel.”
Thanks for ensuring that BRITAIN took a decision in February planning to completely outlaw BDS. The measure is expected to make Britain the second major EU country to outlaw boycotting Israel.
The difference between us and you is that we are defending our right to exist – not just as free people but as a people that understand that when people threaten us it is never to be taken lightly. Over the past 2000 years we have learnt that when others say “Shoot the Jew” – we know what they mean.
But now, most South Africans and the rest of the world have seen through you.
Thanks to you, BDS, the community of nations has been able to find ways to work together to help Israel to help themselves through leading-edge technology, water management, agri-tech, medicine and business innovation. The world’s fight-back against your movement, in the Arab world and even amongst the Palestinians, continues to gain incredible momentum.
But now let me tell you what we don’t thank you for …
As much as you have tried to get our fellow-South Africans to further embroil themselves in a conflict thousands of miles away, you have shown them that you don’t really care about the issues facing us as South Africans.
When it comes to the key issues of food or water security, health and medicine or business innovation – areas unsurpassed in excellence by Israel – yet issues that remain so critical to South Africa today – your hatred for Israel remains so great that you would rather see South Africans go hungry, without water or with no access to revolutionary medical solutions and exposure to innovative ways of doing business – all at the expense of your hateful agenda.
Even more so, as all South Africans are today confronted by the demons of racism, you deem it wise and expedient to throw as much fuel onto this flame as possible.
When it comes to the Palestinian cause you should be ashamed of your arrogance and its consequences in exacerbating the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
You are no better than any state or organisation that for the last 70 years has been guilty of instructing the Palestinians not to resolve their differences with the Jewish State by shackling and inciting the very people you claim to represent as opposed to encouraging the Palestinians to seek a constructive and peaceful resolution to the very painful conflict that affects everyone involved.
How do you justify the disingenuous concept and belief that “You” will sort out their problems?
To paraphrase Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, supreme leader of Hezbollah (and I never thought I would ever be quoting him) who just this week stated “Arab regimes have never done anything for the Palestinians”. Well let us be very clear on this – neither have you and it is clear to all that you never will.
- BEN SWARTZ is the National Chairman of the South African Zionist Federation

Dawn Rogers
March 8, 2016 at 8:01 pm
‘I support Israel !!’
March 9, 2016 at 4:35 am
‘Great article THANKS’
nat cheiman
March 10, 2016 at 10:23 am
‘BDS didn’t mean it. They are just a bunch of dumb okes.’