The complete 2014 UOS Pesach Guide
The Union of Orthodox Synagogues (UOS) publishes a detailed Pesach Guide every year. To view the full 2014/5774 Pesach Guide in PDF format on SAJR Online, simply click here >> PESACH GUIDE 2014/5774.
This detailed 51-page guide contains almost all the information that a Jewish home needs to do everything correctly and following Halachah. Some of the topics covered include:
- Foreword and (Important Contact Details)
- Message from the Chief Rabbi
- Message from the Chairman of the Union of Orthodox Synagogues
- Message from Marketing Director Pick ‘n Pay
- UOS Functions
- Pesach Obligations
- Dates, Days, Times relating to the year 2014/5774 for:
- Johannesburg/Cape Town/Durban
- East London/Plettenberg Bay/Port Elizabeth
- Chametz (Leaven)
- Kitniyot
- Egg Matzah
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Medications/Vitamins/Baby Food/Cosmetics/Toiletries
- Sale of Chametz
- Preparing the Home for Pesach
- Bedikat Chametz (The Search for Leaven)
- Burning the Chametz
- Kashering:
- Method 1 – Fire
- Methord 2 – Water
- General Notes on Kashering
- Practical Applications
- Cooking on Shabbat and Yom Tov
- Candle Lighting for Pesach
- The Seder and Its Requirements
- Counting the Omer
- Some Laws Concerning the Sefirah Period
- Johannesburg and Cape Town Beth Din Provisional Pesach Product List
- Some Products Not Requiring Supervision
- Allergen Statements on Labels
- Toiletries and Cosmetic List
- Medications
- Pet Food