
The DL Link event of gratitude

What began as a simple idea to spread awareness of an organisation that supports over 700 people struggling with cancer, the DL Link dinner has now become a highlight of the social calendar.




The second annual DL Link 3 Cs fundraising gala dinner on August 31, was a night to remember, with many a laugh to be had, compliments of comedian Nik Rabinowitz. Oscar von Memerty’s musical entertainment added to the unforgettable night.

Bev Segal told her cancer story, trying to shed some light on the everyday struggle that cancer warriors face, including many of the challenges and difficulties that even their families might not be aware of.

“In essence, the night was about gratitude,” says Michelle Goodman, founder of the DL Link, in memory of her daughter Devorah Leah, who succumbed to cancer.

The gratitude is “to the DL Link for enabling so many people who are struggling, as well as their families, to face this journey with friends, resources, support and a bit of cheer when they need it most”.

She had a special word of gratitude for the sponsors – especially main sponsor Liberty – who made the dinner possible. And finally, she singled out the “DL warriors” for their bravery and fortitude.

The night ended with an auction of some rare and exciting sports memorabilia, raising much needed funds that will go a long way toward helping the DL Link angels to continue.

The DL Link does not charge for any of its services. It relies entirely on the support from the community. * For more information, visit


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