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The (Jewish) world according to Merlynn Edelstein



Gideon Kaufmann

Derek Penslar is meant to be a so-called expert on Zionism, yet never defends the truth when people tell lies in his presence. In the introduction of his book, Ilan Pappe states: “My bias is apparent despite the desire of my peers that I stick to facts and the ‘truth’ when reconstructing past realities. I view any such construction as vain and presumptuous.” This proves that Pappe is not interested in facts. 

In a video on YouTube for the launch of the Jew hate fest, Israel Apartheid Week, Edelstein describes her version of Judaism, which to her, is a collection of people who fix the world of all its problems and if by chance a person wants to come and kill you, you are meant to happily allow them to do it.

In her view of Judaism it is “illegal” to try and defend yourself; supporting your enemy is more desirable than supporting fellow Jews.

She speaks of ethnic cleansing. A few questions come to mind. If the Palestinian population is growing, how could they have been ethnically cleansed? If they were ethnically cleansed, then how come there are still Palestinians living inside the borders of Israel and with full rights and some even part of the government?

She talks of laws to stop the 700 000 people from returning. This is a lie. Those laws pertained to between 30 000 to 35 000 people, less than five per cent of the total, which confirms Benny Morris’ argument that much less than 10 per cent were expelled. Family reunification laws have given Israeli citizenship to many Palestinians.

To prove that Edelstein and co are not interested in Palestinians is their silence as to how they are treated by their fellow Arabs. More Palestinians have been killed by fellow Arabs than in the conflict with Israel. Over 800 000 Jews who were expelled from Arab lands, were absorbed by their fellow Jews.

Edelstein should realise that the Jews care more about their own than enemies trying to kill them and that is the reason why the Zionist narrative could not care about the enemy who fled due to the consequences of their OWN actions.

Not one of the 700 000 plus descendants have been absorbed by the Arabs. Over 500 000 Palestinians have disappeared from Syria… polio a preventable disease made an epidemic comeback because Assad would not allow vaccinations to be done in the Palestinian camps.


Claremont, Cape Town


This letter has been shortened. – Editor

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1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    April 13, 2016 at 5:53 pm

    ‘Nobody wants the Palestinians. Not even the Arab world. 
    \nWhy? And why should this be Israels problem.
    \nAs I have said, Edelstein should go to Gaza for awhile and discuss her theories with the scum that live there. 
    \nTheres a good chance she may change her views, if they her such an opportunity ( to discuss)’

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