
The letter nobody wants but all should read

An Israeli mom writes to her Johannesburg parents of the heart-wrenching moment her son was called up yesterday. “I sobbed after seeing him off at the train station this morning. My life will never be the same … and am left praying that he will always remember what we taught him … and may G-d be with him always.” This is a real tearjerker – but one that every user should read.




The following letter was sent to the South African parents of olim in Israel. SAJR Online has obtained permission from the writer to share it, but, for obvious reasons, we have blanked out all of the names.

Dearest Mom and Dad,

Feeling heavy-hearted, said goodbye to XXXXX about an hour ago. Nothing in my life could have ever prepared me for the way I am feeling right now.

He came home last night with specific written instructions from XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX. From this moment on their family/ parents are the Security Forces. They have information about each child down to the very last detail even down to details ie re the family in SA, when he was last in SA and what the occasion etc. They know what we do, where we work (or don’t work) etc etc etc. They told him exactly what to do – each child given clear written instructions how to get to the base this morning ie leave home at certain time, which train to take, what time, which connecting bus to take leaving at specified time, arriving at a specified time. Their phones are handed in on entry into base and they are designated an hour per day in the evenings to get their phones to call home. Under no circumstances can they carry their phones with them on base. They are not allowed to take any pictures, upload them onto any network whatsoever or talk about anything that they are doing. 

XXXXXXXXXX came to inform us that his life will now be divided up as BEFORE THE CALL UP and AFTER…

He said that if he has been used to coming home every day and sharing his day with all of us, it won’t be happening any more – no communication except to report his state of health and that he is ok.

Went to fetch XXXXXXX from the Scouts and got XXXXXXX from the train and went out for the LAST supper. For the first time in my life, found myself left with nothing to say – kind of a feeling that you raise a child from nothing, train them and guide them, show them and help them. Teach them to communicate and to identify right from wrong, try and give them a true base and train them for life  – all this while feeling that we have a lifetime ahead of us and that we will be building this relationship forever. And then one fine day, he is taken away from us at seemingly such short notice. Start thinking back that he was preparing for this day always, he always believed in excellence, striving to reach above, paying heavy prices for taking the right road in life even though tough at the time.

And then I also realise how thankful I should be feeling for the extra two years that I was given as a present when he lived at home while studying – while all his friends left for their army service. He was given extra quality time with us in preparation for the future. He invested himself in our family as a whole and each one of us separately, training, communicating, talking openly, giving advice and mainly, giving of himself  like I have never seen or experienced in anyone.

He got to his basic training and his officers in charge couldn’t get enough of him. They were all coming up to him yesterday asking him for his phone no. and begging him to be in touch with each one of them, saying that they want to follow his development as they know he is going to succeed and they want to feel part of the nachat and that they already feel part of his process!!!!

They all knew him by name as he walked through the gates on the very first day and even the officer’s in charge approaching him all the time to ask his opinion. As they are not allowed to consult with the soldiers while during basic training, we found some of his officers knocking on our front door on Friday afternoon when he came home in order to get a chance to talk to him, out of sight of their officer’s in charge!!

And so I sobbed after seeing him off at the train station this morning. My life will never be the same and all that I had left to say to him was: Go with your gut feeling and am left praying that he will always remember what we taught him and feel the love we feel for him, experience the deep connection we have with him and may G-d be with him always.

He said that he is completely at peace with the path he is taking and the price is small to pay in comparison with what he is gaining. I agree.

At the end of the day, feel so proud – proud that we are living our lives in Israel, proud that we have raised such quality children, proud the our children – each and every one of them – ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE.

Feel some kind of relief having shared with you this morning and have this feeling that I have put my head on your shoulders for a few minutes to get some TLC from my very special parents and from you XXX. Feel thankful to have you both with us and also that we have the relationship we do – that we are there for one another. Feel thankful to have XXX by my side to wipe away my tears and to help pick up the pieces. 

Now feel able to put this all behind me and am gaining strength to carry on with what lies ahead. Mom and Dad, you have done it countless times and have no doubt that I will do it too.

Lots of love – Forever,



  1. Gary Selikow

    July 9, 2014 at 3:42 pm

    ‘We have to accept there is no freedom of religion or identification in SA as long as we are too scared to publicly support Israel i.e wearing my star of David necklace or Israeli flAG T SHIRT publicly because we are scared of being targeted by the Muslims and ANC/SACP/COSATU comrades.

    The pro-Palestinian lobby thanks to the ANC regime calls all the shots in South Africa. ‘

  2. Mark Molker

    July 9, 2014 at 6:29 pm

    ‘What can be said more than \”at the end of the day\” this mother felt \”SO PROUD\”?

    I do too, of Her and of Israel. Forever.

  3. Israeli

    July 10, 2014 at 7:42 am

    ‘My wife and I received this same message yesterday.

    We feel immensely proud and  have much nachus from our grandson.’

  4. Choni

    July 10, 2014 at 5:29 pm

    ‘As Gary points out , it is at times like this, and circumstances as this (need for censorship) that it is impossible to be \”Proudly Jewish South African\”.’

  5. Gary Selikow

    July 11, 2014 at 7:59 am

    ‘And the worst is the SAJBD tells us how lucky we supposedly are that there is ‘no anti-semitism’ in South Africa.’

  6. Eric MALABA

    July 12, 2014 at 9:35 am

    ‘Even though I am not a Jew by race, I am one by heart and my belief as a Christian. I love Jews with all my being. I have even named my first son \”ISRAEL\”.  To all the descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I want to let you know that we are praying for you and Israel will always win no matter what the enemies do and say. SHALOM’

  7. lammie

    July 23, 2014 at 8:32 pm

    ‘Thank you Eric Malaba!  I am a former South African and live in Israel.  It is so nice to hear encouragement from someone like you.  I wish you and your family all the best. G-d bless. Lammie Goodman’

  8. E.F.

    July 24, 2014 at 5:47 am

    ‘To this dear mother,

    The best way of handling this situation is never to show your child you are afraid for him. That brings very bad energy. The love & trust you have for your child will strengthen him, always. Stay positive with your head held high.

    May G*d Bless your son & keep him safe.

    An ex-SA mother of an IDF soldier.

  9. Cheryl Lubbe

    July 25, 2014 at 9:59 am

    ‘We are proud of the dedicated children of the chosen people of the living G-d. 

    Proud of the organisation of the IDF. 

    There are thousands of supporters of Israel in South Africa including thousands more Christians. 

    We know the Book and know that G-d is with you. 

    Praying and supporting Israel especially at this time’

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