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The need for change




In the course of this year, the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) has reviewed and restructured two long-standing services it has provided to the Jewish community since the 1940s. One is the assistance provided by its country communities department (CCD) to small, geographically isolated Jewish communities in maintaining their connection to Judaism and the mainstream community.

As previously reported in this column, this process culminated at the end of June in a decision by the various stakeholders to establish a new, independent body to be called the Small Jewish Communities Association to carry out the department’s work in future. Ably headed by Kimberley’s Barney Horwitz and with the ongoing involvement at every level of the esteemed Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft in ensuring that the core work of the CCD continues, this body is already at an advanced stage of implementation. The SAJBD is committed to working with and supporting smaller communities to ensure a smooth transition.

The second SAJBD community service that has been revamped is Jewish Affairs. Launched in June 1941 as a monthly information bulletin, it soon established itself as South Africa’s leading Jewish historical, cultural, and current-affairs journal. In common with all publications, particularly those of a more academic, niche-market nature, it became increasingly apparent that it would have to adapt to how people communicate and publish today. Earlier this year, therefore, the editorial board took a decision that henceforth, Jewish Affairs will appear in a new electronic format adapted for a modern-day readership, and that this will replace the traditional printed version.

We are pleased to announce that, just in time for Rosh Hashanah, the new online format of Jewish Affairs is up and running, and that the first online issue has now appeared. To read it and future issues, go to All issues from Pesach 2009 to Pesach 2019 can also be freely accessed on the main SAJBD website. I invite you all to become online subscribers to Jewish Affairs. Signing up is free, and enables you to receive regular bulletins and updates. Send your name and email address (and mobile number too if you would like to be included in a JA WhatsApp group) to (copying)

This being my final column before Rosh Hashanah, on behalf of the SAJBD, I wish everyone a shana tova umetuka.

  • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM, every Friday from 12:00 to 13:00.
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