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The Rabbi and The Mountain



At age 60 something, Rabbi Dovid Hazdan grabbed a backpack, a Torah and his Tefillin, and decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. He may be the first person to climb the mountain with a black hat and kapota. What did he learn while scaling the highest peak in Africa?

Rabbi Dovid Katz has hiked the Great Wall of China, climbed Mount Meru, and is heading to Everest Base Camp.

Are these people insane?

We ask clinical psychologist and peak performance coach, Toni Gaddie, why people climb mountains, run marathons, and explore the unknown.

How do we face challenges in our everyday life?

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. yitzchak

    June 3, 2023 at 8:36 am

    well one can climb high mountains and find that your head is still in the clouds.
    So what will have changed?
    Things are so cloudy up there so there is no improvement in vision.
    When I need a challenge I read Plato.Besides G-d is in the valleys and Mount Sinai is not that high.
    My next book will be about religious men and mountains

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