Letters/Discussion Forums

The SAJBD’s national treasurer must have a clean record

Your article “The quandary of the Board of Deputies’ treasurer” (April 27 issue) refers. I’m gobsmacked at the flaws in communal governance at the SA Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) which have led to the candidacy of former national treasurer and Cape chairman Eric Marx to fill that same treasurer role which he vacated in disgrace six months ago.



Gilad Stern, Cape Town

At the time, Marx admitted to electoral misconduct in the Cape Board’s election. His resignation was demanded by a group of five affiliates in Cape Town, and was confirmed by the Seligson Report.

This followed a year of scandals and controversies which dogged the Cape Board and were primarily centred on Marx’s conduct. At that time, Marx also accepted a two-year ban from serving on the Cape Board. That ban will last until the end of 2019.

Now it emerges that the SAJBD is considering re-appointing Marx. Can the reason be that there are no other Jewish chartered accountants in South Africa who haven’t admitted to their own misconduct and dishonesty? I know the accounting profession in South Africa is in some disarray, following the KPMG and Nkonki debacles.

Has the accounting contagion affected the Jewish community so badly that there are no unblemished CAs who could be national treasurer of the SAJBD?

Jews in South Africa, who entrust their financial contributions to office bearers, should be able to expect more than the re-appointment of a tarnished figure, especially in a financial role which calls for supreme integrity.


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