Letters/Discussion Forums

Committed to keep Brakpan Shul going
Ernest Waner
We continue to hold services on Friday nights with the help of our chazzan, Simon and with the assistance from the remaining Jews of Springs (on the Far East Rand). On Saturdays we fetch our regular minyan from Sandringham Gardens (in Johannesburg) to assist with the service.
My brother Jeff has been doing it for nearly 10 years. He also provides a wonderful brocha and everyone is welcome. We as a family have a commitment to Brakpan and would like to see it thrive as an educational centre and that our shul should remain a source of Yiddishkeit in our town.
If there is more information anyone would require, please phone me at (011) 740-0904.
President, United Hebrew Institutions of Brakpan

Joan Smith
July 15, 2015 at 6:23 am
‘Good morning
May former Christians join the Shabbat service (Sat)?
If so, at what time is it starting and may I ask for directions please? I live in Benoni
Joan Smith’
October 8, 2016 at 5:40 pm
‘everyone is welcome
I work for Ernest for the Brakpan shul’
Louise young
February 2, 2017 at 5:10 am
‘Hi I am looking to buy a Jewish pray shawl can you recommend were to get one and what is the cost of one thank you and God Bless one and all thx louise6nn’
Bianca Kantor
October 10, 2019 at 11:14 am
my Name is Bianca i work for ETG solar africa here in brakpan,we needed a Rabbi to bless our company and we drove all the way to houghton synagogue and tried to speak to Rabbi shakhead but i was denied access to see anyone,do you know where i can buy the blessings for the door,a Torah and someone that myself and colllegue can go too for prayer.
kind regards Bianca