Letters/Discussion Forums

This Horwitz is not the BDS one
Allan Horwitz
I live, and have always lived, in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg and I understand the other Allan Horwitz lives in Cape Town.
We as a family, are proudly Jewish and observant and stand solidly and absolutely with Israel and will continue to support Israel unreservedly.
Due to the fact that we share the same name, there has been some confusion as to who I am, and my family and I have suffered the effects of this confusion.
I am vehemently against the BDS and its affiliates and what they stand for. I was not and will never speak for the BDS or any of its affiliated organisations.
If anyone wishes to discuss this with me they can contact me through the auspices of the Jewish Report.
Am Yisrael Chai
Online editor’s note: The ‘other’ Allan Horwitz mentioned heads
up the BDS-affiliated “StopTheJNF” anti-Zionist organisation

Monty Isserow
November 27, 2014 at 9:47 am
‘This is the REAL Allan Horwitz. I can vouch for him, he is a true mensch and a special person. Whatever he stated in his letter is true.’