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Three impeachment-witness lawyers are Jewish – why it matters




The 300-page Intelligence Committee report concludes that President Donald Trump “placed his own personal and political interests above the national interests of the United States” in asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice-President Joe Biden, calling it “the act of a president who viewed himself as unaccountable and determined to use his vast official powers to secure his re-election”.

It is now the Judiciary Committee’s task to decide whether to recommend articles of impeachment. And while the officials who appeared before Schiff’s committee were fact witnesses who described the events surrounding the Ukraine scandal, Judiciary Committee chairperson Jerry Nadler brought three witnesses – all constitutional scholars – that he hoped would outline a theory of impeachment.

All three witnesses are Jewish: Noah Feldman of Harvard, Pamela Karlan of Stanford, and Michael Gerhardt of the University of North Carolina. So are Schiff and Nadler, and so was the Democrats’ counsel, Norm Eisen, who directed the first 45 minutes of questioning.

Why does this matter?

Well, predictably, it mattered to anti-Semites.

Right-wing agitator Ann Coulter tweeted, “Too little ethnic diversity among the professors for me to take them seriously.” Considering her past flirtations with anti-Semitism, one could conclude that she wasn’t faulting the professors just for being white.

TruNews, the YouTube channel run by an anti-Semitic Florida pastor who has coined the term “Jew coup” to describe the impeachment process, took to Twitter to accuse “Jewish socialist Jerry Nadler” and his “three Jewish witnesses” of “escalating the Jew coup”. TruNews also helpfully informed us that Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University scholar and witnesses called by the Republicans, who testified that the evidence for impeachment simply doesn’t add up, is a Roman Catholic.

Twitter removed the tweet. But Anti-Defamation League Chief Executive Jonathan Greenblatt took a screenshot for posterity, calling on social-media platforms to take action against blatantly anti-Semitic posts.

Why not ignore the blatant anti-Semitism?

Because the fringes no longer have pariah status. TruNews has been accredited for White House news conferences. Trump has taken questions from it (about his plans for Israeli-Palestinian peace, of all things) and his son, Donald Jr, gave TruNews an impromptu interview earlier this year at a Michigan rally. (Trump Jr’s spokesperson told The Washington Post that he wasn’t aware at the time of TruNews’ outlook.)

Those views have crept into the mainstream discourse.

While the hearings were underway, Breitbart News, the Trump-boosting news site, posted a story, “Norm Eisen, Democrat impeachment counsel, linked to George Soros.” Breitbart reported that Soros’ Open Society Foundation had helped fund an ethics watchdog Eisen founded, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, to the tune of $1.35 million (R19.7 million) in 2017. (This isn’t a secret – it’s on the Open Society website.)

But the Breitbart story failed to explain the relevance. Eisen isn’t pretending to be nonpartisan or unaffiliated from a liberal outlook, and there is no suggestion that Soros’ money is reaching the committee itself.

Soros, the liberal Jewish billionaire philanthropist, is incessantly attached to conspiracies. Fiona Hill, a former senior National Security Council staffer, noted last month how the baseless Soros conspiracy theories beset the Ukraine scandal, and called them anti-Semitic.

Republicans on the panel attempted to depict the three scholars on the Democratic side as effete elitists, another classic trope.

“Democrats still don’t get it,” Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said on Twitter. “They are pushing ahead with impeachment based on opinions from liberal law professors from coastal universities.”

McCarthy, from California, attended a “coastal university” (Cal State, Bakersfield), and Turley, the GOP’s (Grand Old Party’s) scholar, teaches at one, George Washington – but never mind.

This creates Jewish fear.

I got texts from leading Jewish Democrats during Wednesday’s hearings wondering, with not inconsiderable trepidation, whether the scholars were indeed Jewish.

The trepidation is a shame because considerations of how being Jewish shapes one’s outlook should be free of anxieties about what anti-Semites will make of it. And there are meaningful Jewish stories behind the decisions of these witnesses to become constitutional scholars:

“I grew up Jewish in Alabama in the 1960s,” Gerhardt told C-Span last year. “It was a time of great turbulence, and the civil-rights movement was all unfolding in front of me. The events that arose in the 60s and early 70s really shaped my interest in civil rights, but also my interest in law.”

Karlan, delivering closing remarks in 2006 at the annual meeting of the liberal American Constitution Society, called herself one of the “snarky, bisexual, Jewish women who want the freedom to say what we think, read, what we want, and love who we do,” calling on listeners to “seize back the high ground on patriotism and on love of our country” from the rich, pampered, prodigal, sanctimonious, incurious, white, straight sons of the powerful.”

Feldman, who in 2015 launched Harvard’s Julis-Rabinowitz Program in Jewish and Israeli Law, also helped draft the Iraqi constitution.

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  1. Manfred LeverLola Lever

    December 22, 2019 at 8:15 pm

    ‘How ironic that the day 2 Jews ( Nadler and Schiff) are trying to impeach the President of the USA he is signing an executive order outlawing Antisemitism.

    Don’t be too proud of the Jewish Democrats they are not interested in anything but their own self interests and not anything Jewish or Zionistic. Nadler I’m told grew up in an orthodox home. I guess he forget the lessons of loshan horah. Most of them are accidental Jews who care not 1 iota about their yiddishkiet!’

  2. Jerry Snell

    January 19, 2020 at 2:16 am

    ‘Jewish Americans have more loyalty to the Democratic 

    Party than to the Jewish People and Eretz Yisrael. The

    liberal ones I should say!!!!!!

     I guess that “political correctness” has replaced Torah 

    and love of Israel in the Kehillah USA.

    Jerry Snell 

    Providence, Rhode Island, USA.’

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