
Through one door, there are others

Imagine this scenario: a family in need of financial assistance for their children’s school fees approaches the Chev for help. Our Financial Assistance department alerts the intake social worker at Community Services when it becomes clear that the family is in crisis.




The marriage is breaking down, the father is unable to work due to ill health and the children are taking strain. Obviously there is a need for us to provide more than financial help. 

The Chev offers a single door through which a vast range of help is available. Interdepartmental co-operation and teamwork mean that each person and family is treated as unique with specific and individual needs. Providing the appropriate, holistic care in response to particular circumstances, is ingrained in our philosophy of care.

The initial entry point could occur anywhere along the line and would likely have the same result. A different scenario might be a pregnant woman without family support, perhaps drug-addicted and homeless, who reaches out for help with the delivery of the baby and to secure the child’s future. 

In addition to providing medical assistance and safe accommodation, the mother would be referred for evaluation and counselling. Social Services may need to implement its statutory responsibilities to protect the baby and ensure that it is placed in the warm and safe environment of Arcadia until the mother is in a fit space to care for it, or until she decides to give it up for adoption. 

She may need to be referred to a rehabilitation facility if substance abuse is identified and may require some form of protected employment – even temporarily – to help her rebuild her life and health.  

We see countless variations on these stories and what is essential to healing is that the family receives all-inclusive help when our professional staff see, as they are trained to, beyond the superficial to the core sources of the dysfunction.

Through that one single entrance at the Chev are experienced counsellors, support groups and comfort. Guidance, assistance and hope are all to be found there.

While not always possible, the ultimate goal of family preservation is always pursued. Keeping parents and children together is optimal. Keeping our community safe is critical. Sometimes all that is required is the courage to walk through a single door. Then all other doors become accessible too.

May our partnership continue to thrive – feedback@jhbchev.co.za


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