
Time out from family for soul trip

“I was stuck in a rut, so caught up with homework and lift schemes I had lost sight of everything important,” says Sandton mother of three, Tanya Matisonn.




This could have been said by most mothers of school-going kids at any given time. But in Matisonn’s case, and that of 80 other local Jewish mothers, she took time out of her life to go on a special tour to Israel with the Momentum Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project.

Now, she says, she feels “energised for life” following the “awe-inspiring” journey of self-discovery and awareness. “My soul is soaring,” she says.

The highly subsidised trip offers “so much more” than a whirlwind tour of Israel’s finest attractions. “It’s a journey inward,” says Rebbetzin Nechama Kraines of Sandton Ohr Somayach community. She is one of six South African city leaders who take it upon themselves to lead and inspire small groups of women for the duration of the eight-day trip.

“World-renowned speakers of the highest calibre speak on a range of topics, from parenting to pain, love and loss,” said Kraines.

The women, all of whom according to the criteria do not keep Shabbos and have children under the age of 18, return with a suitcase load of not only halva and Ahava products, but memories which according to one participant “will last a lifetime”.

In recent years, hundreds of local Jewish women have grabbed onto this opportunity for soul-searching and spirit-building offered in these specialised tours. 

Armed with a burning desire to leave everything behind, including husbands, children and burdensome everyday tasks, these women are searching for that special illumination, a special something far greater than what everyday living can provide, explains Kraines.

“These are spiritually uplifting and enlightening experiences targeted to women who are seeking more from their lives, women wanting to bring light into their homes by experiencing basic Torah and of course leaving with a deep love for the Holy Land,” said one Glenhazel mother.

 “The tour literally awakened my soul and gave me time to reflect on the truly important things in my life, like enjoying my day, my family and friends,” says Matisonn.

According to its founder, Lori Palatnik, the mission of the JWRP is to “empower women to change the world through Jewish values that transform ourselves, our families and our communities”.

The philosophy behind the jam-packed trips which began eight years ago, and which costs an estimated R20 000 excluding flights, (and shopping excursions of course) is to “inspire a woman” because in so doing, you inspire a family”.

Says Palatnik: “Inspire enough families, you inspire a community. Inspire enough communities, you can change the world.”

Grace Nahon of Sandton who went on the JWRP several years ago said: “There is a striking familiarity and a unique bond between Ashkenazi women from disparate cities and walks of life. No matter our circumstances and backgrounds, our bobbas and zeidas lit Shabbos candles, baked challahs and learnt from the same Torah and this continuity and familiarity is what binds us as a people and sets us apart

“You leave with a deep understanding that it is ultimately up to the women to keep this spiritual flame going. We have the power to do this till the end of time.”

For first-time visitor to Israel, Sandton psychologist, Roxanne Slom, the trip was “mind-blowing”.

 “I really felt as if I had arrived home. Standing at the Kotel as a Jewish woman, having grown up in a traditional Jewish home and having attended a Jewish day school, was nothing short of surreal. Experiencing Shabbos in Jerusalem is almost impossible to describe. This trip was food for my soul and will have an everlasting impact on my life.”

Mother of three, Tracy Balkin of Rivonia said: “It was an eye-opening, heart-warming, soul-enriching, experience. I have a new-found love and appreciation for Israel and our heritage. I loved every minute of it.”

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