
Torah Academy awarded for excellence

The Torah Academy was last week Friday chosen by the Gauteng Department of Education as the best performing independent school, Eastern District, in the National Senior Certificate 2016 exams.




The award was made by GDE Chief Director Moses Nkonyane, for the school’s overall performance, top marks by two learners, Yocheved Cohen (dramatic arts) and Doron Joffe (business science), and the consistent 100 per cent pass rate.

Nkonyane presented trophies and certificates to the school.

Rabbi Yossi Chaikin, principal of the TA Boys’ High, said: “We are thrilled – now I know everyone recognises the school’s achievements. We are so proud of our matrics.”

1 Comment

  1. Rabbi Yossi Chaikin

    February 3, 2017 at 1:37 pm

    ‘We are indeed very proud of this achievement. However, the award for best performing independent school was made to the combined Torah Academy Boys and Girls School and due credit must be given to Mrs Rebecca Sarchi, principal of the girls school, for her share in the matric results of 2016.

    Thanks also to all the teachers who worked tirelessly to achieve our amazing results. 

    Rabbi Yossi Chaikin

    Principal, Boys High School’

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