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Trump’s presidential victory is US’s worst case scenario



Colin Brian Jantjies, Cape Town

Should South Africa ever have to choose between these two, the choice for our country would be obvious: Jacob Zuma. Of course the man is repulsive, reprehensible, an embarrassment and yes, even a nincompoop. But voting for Julius Malema would be like hammering in the final nail in the coffin of our country.

The majority of American voters have done just that. They have taken the worst-case scenario. That so many Jews have voted for Trump (mainly former Democrats) defies logic. What were they thinking? It’s the same as with Jews in our country fighting for the Palestinian cause alongside the ANC and its alliance partners

Add Malema’s EFF to the mix and you have the perfect cocktail of enemies of the Jewish State. Nobody is going to remember those Jewish supporters (the pro-Palestinian faction) when the final battle for Jerusalem is fought. They will be targeted for elimination like all other Jews.

Trump is a racist bigot, a homophobe, a sexist and disrespectful of the disabled. He has made overtures to the Jews to join his ranks and has promised to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Wonderful. But can such a man trying to please everybody, be trusted?

The Jewish nation has had its fair share of false prophets and charlatans over the centuries. Trump has the support of America’s far right; the Aryan Brotherhood, the Ku Klux Klan and a host of neo-Nazi fringe groups are in his camp.

Do the Jews really think that this utopian state will hold? Will Trump really deliver Jerusalem as promised? Come now! Trump’s victory has given the European right-wingers renewed hope that they in turn can win the next elections and make Europe white again.

The signs are there. Membership of these neo-Nazi parties are rising steadily. Soon they will impose themselves. And then? Germany has the most Jews in Europe. What irony! As the right-wingers begin to assert themselves in their struggle to rid Europe of Muslims and Africans, guess who they will target next and accuse of causing this refugee problem?

I’m surprised Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing cronies have embraced Trump. Just because Trump’s daughter married a Jew doesn’t make the man a Jew-lover or pro-Israel.

He’s a businessman. He sees opportunity. But at heart Trump is a false prophet. Just like his ilk who came before him and will come after him, all promising to fight the cause of the Jews. Then they end fighting the Jews.

American Jewry, like South African Jewry, should distance themselves from Trump and those who call for a Palestinian state in Israel. Trump’s neo-Nazis will turn on the Jews after the Republicans had dealt with the Mexicans, the blacks, the gay community and the disabled. It’s just history about to repeat itself. Trump is not the Messiah. He will bare his teeth at the Jews one day.


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  1. nat cheiman

    November 17, 2016 at 6:57 pm

    ‘I disagree entirely. Give the man a chance’

  2. Samuel Lasker

    November 18, 2016 at 7:15 am

    ‘Perhaps certain commenters need reminding of the anti-Semitic Democratic Party USA and it’s numerous anti-Israel actions during Barack Obama’s eight year term in the White House,the lifting of Iranian sanctions,just one example ,the failure to vote against the UNESCO ,\”no Jewish historical,cultural and religious ties to Jerusale,Har HaBayit,the Kotel \” etc.Donald Trump is way better for Israel and Jews worldwide than Hillary Clinton could ever hope to be.’

  3. Gary Selikow

    November 20, 2016 at 7:42 pm

    ‘This letter writer ignores several things

    1) That with their rampages of rape and assault and murder of the European population and their being given houses , benefits, jobs before the poor among the local population perhaps people in Western countries may have some justification in resenting Islamic immigrants?

    2) 90% of attacks on Jews in europe this century have been from Muslims not White rightwingers

    3) The left of today are violently anti-Israel

    4) BREXIT was simply Britain exercising it’s right to determine it’s own future-no one has a right to object to that!’

  4. David B

    November 23, 2016 at 1:48 am

    ‘@colin  –  comparing Trump to Malema, as you have done , is a travesty, to say the least –  so absurd as to lead me to believe that you are a Gen X / Y Liberal / democrat running with the ‘Lefty’ pack until they run out of wind and intellect.

    Isn’t it interesting to hear all the name callers like you judging before Trump has even become president.

      To say that Trump has ‘the support of the KKK and a host of Neo Nazi fringe groups’ is pre-empting the day he becomes President, and expecting us to believe that you are ‘Nostradamus- or his decsendant’ and can predict that he will be bad for the world , just because you and your ‘enlightened friends’ have discussed it , and have come to that conclusion.

     You seem to not relate to the facts that Jews were the biggest supporters of the ANC when Madiba was arrested — I don’t think there are too many now.

        ‘ Trump’s neo Nazi ‘s ‘ ? ? can you actually hear yourself? 

       Sorry Colin but you are sprouting unadulterated, unproven, meaningless hatred , without any vestige of proof or truth – (The Nazi’s did that too)

    Let’s wait and see — Personally I am cautiously optimistic, as against Hillary’s ‘more of same’ rhetoric for a few more years’

  5. David B

    November 23, 2016 at 2:18 am

    ‘@ Colin  –  A further thought – You don’t have anything nice to say about Zuma , Malema , Trump, Brexit —  who would you like to run the world? – Hillary?

    Have you discussed who would be best to run the world – rather than run it into the ground like the above 4 who you fervently dislike. Would she be the answer to the Liberal Left

      Hillary has already proven over the long term , that she can offer nothing new – ‘only same old – same old’ as clearly proven by the debates as well as her ad nauseam constantly repetitive  campaign slogans of promising more of the same.

    Lets have something NEW & FRESH to see if maybe fresh thinking and actions will get us out of this ‘wormhole”

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