Letters/Discussion Forums

Turn negative SA reality into a learning opportunity

We live in a country where unfortunately, children are exposed to the worst of humanity, whether it be on the front page of a newspaper, listening to the radio in the car, or on social media.



Rozanne Sack and Rebbetzin Wendy Hendler, Koleinu

Our children cannot escape the reality of where we live. Parents should use it as a teaching opportunity. They could introduce their children to the fact that while most people in the world are good, there are some who may look good on the outside, but may not be good on the inside.

Children need to be taught that if somebody makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe, they need to tell an adult who can help them. Even though we want to protect our children’s innocence, we cannot always control what they are exposed to, so it’s far better to give them the skills to keep them safe and help them to know what to do if faced with a problematic situation.

By doing so, we create resilient children who are able to thrive in a world full of challenges. Should you wish to host a talk for parents on how to have this difficult conversation with your child, and on safety tips, call Koleinu on 011 264 0341, or email koleinusa@gmail.com

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