
Tutu vs Reich matter settled with an apology

Leon Reich issues unreserved apology to Tutu for defamation, undertakes not to make similar statements in future.




Likud-SA National Chairman Leon Reich (pictured at right) has issued an unreserved apology to Archbisho-Emeritus Desmond Tutu (pictured left) for “gross defamation” and undertaken “not to make any similar statements in the future”.

The matter related to an opinion piece Reich had written on SAJR Online published on September 10 and to a national radio interview on September 17.

The SAJR apologised to Tutu on September 12,  2014 and withdrew the article. Reich, however, went on to national radio a week later and told Tim Modise that Tutu had called on people to burn down Jewish shops.

“I the undersigned, Leon Reich, retract the defamatory statements made about Archbishop Tutu. I apologise unreservedly to Archbishop Tutu for this gross defamation. I undertake not to make any similar statements in the future.”

Tutu was represented by Jonathan Mort of Jonathan Mort Inc, Pension Fund Attorneys, while Reich was advised by Michael Bagraim of Bagraims Attorneys.


  1. Gary Selikow

    December 15, 2014 at 7:22 am

    ‘Why doesnt Tutu apologize for his demonization and incitment?’

  2. Joe

    December 17, 2014 at 11:08 pm

    ‘I used to be a Catholic until I put Tu and Tu together !!!!’

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