
Two-state solution goes against the Torah instruction

On May 19, the editor wrote an editorial entitled “Do your research before making a stand”. She rightfully pointed out that the ANC and other prominent South Africans, have decided that Israel is the “bad guy” in the present conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.



Choni Davidowitz, Johannesburg

She wrote that top officials have made public accusations against Israel that are outrageous and not even vaguely true. Her main point was that “all these people have a right to their opinions, but opinions should only be borne out by knowing the facts”.

Would the editor not agree that this premise should apply equally to the various opinions regarding the Israel/Palestinian conflict expressed by some of the paper’s own columnists and readers?

It is clear that the present government is openly antagonistic towards Israel and Zionism and that they are strong supporters of both the PLO and Hamas. Facts and reality only confuse their hatred of the Jewish State. They are extremely unlikely to change any time soon.

However, when it comes down to opinions on Israel in the Jewish community, I strongly believe that contrary to the commonly known “religion” of political correctness that everybody has the right to his or her opinion, is incorrect.

The Torah (written and oral), should be the basis for all discussion and opinions regarding the Jewish people and its state. Any opinion not based on reliable Torah sources, is invariably a distortion of the truth as it reflects only the fashionable and “popular” sentiments of the time.

As regards the most contentious issue of “land for peace” or a two-state solution, it is distressing to know that so many Jews in South Africa, including the Zionist Federation and most of the paper’s correspondents, are in favour of such a solution, in spite of such action being against our Torah.

Two-state advocates should clarify why they consider it morally acceptable to offer financial inducements to Jews in Judea and Samaria to evacuate their homes, schools, shuls, and places of livelihood in order to facilitate the establishment of a Palestinian state which is certain to become a bastion for Islamic terror.

And yet they consider it morally reprehensible to offer financial inducements to the Arabs in Judea and Samaria to evacuate their homes. The Torah explicitly commands such action. (Num 33:50-55).

There are many more issues debated and written about our only Jewish State. As editor of the only Jewish newspaper in South Africa and the fact that we are the “People of the Book” (Tanach), I would suggest any opinion or article regarding Israel appearing in Jewish Report that is not backed up by Torah sources, be carefully scrutinised.

The editorial – “Do your research before making a stand” – should be read over and over. Kol Ha’kavod.



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