
Two terror arrest brothers were targeting Jews

The directorate for priority crime investigation (Hawks) of the SAPS and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) had four suspects in two courts this morning. At least two of those arrested over the weekend had unspecified “Jewish Institutions” and the US Embassy on their list for bombing. Jewish Report has obtained the charge sheets, police statements and comments from the Board and CSO and will be publishing comprehensive information for readers this week.




For today, SAJR Online has elected to give users and readers as much of the truth as we can do to dispel any rumour-mongering. Jevon Greenblatt of the Johannesburg CSO says the community mist be more vigilant.

Follow us daily as we add all the pieces of the puzzle.

What the Hawks said:

Two of the suspects appeared at the Johannesburg Magistrate Court Monday facing terrorist related charges while the remaining two suspects appeared at Kagiso Magistrate Court on firearms and explosives related charges. All were remanded in custody and will apply for bail next Tuesday.

What the Board said:

“The SA Jewish Board of Deputies notes that the Hawks have arrested four terror suspects on charges of contravening the Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorism Act. We further note that that included in the alleged targets were Jewish installations.” STATEMENT CONTINUES BELOW GRAPHIC…

“Terrorism is a global challenge that affects many countries, including our own. We appreciate efforts by our authorities to monitor and prevent incidents of terrorism, and we will be monitoring the current situation.”

What the NPA said:

The PROVISIONAL CHARGE SHEET against two of the four suspects, brothers BRANDON-LEE THULSIE and TONY-LEE THULSIE include three counts under the Terrorism Act, including that: “at or near Johannesburg … conspired to commit the crime of terrorism by planning to cause explosions at a Mission of the United States of America and Jewish institutions … Such conspiracy and incitement was intended to cause or spread feelings of terror, fear or panic in the civilian population of South Africa and in particular the US and Jewish sector thereof and to … further the political, religious or ideological motives and objectives of an international terrorist organization … namely the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as Da’esh and ISIS) (hereinafter referred to as ISIL), to which the accused had committed themselves.

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    July 11, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    ‘Credit must go to to Brig. Mlaudzi of the Hawks for nipping this in the bud.

    A job well done despite many doubts ( I include myself). 

    MRN and radio Islam propagate alot of anti semitism & will bear watching closely.

    But accolades to the Hawks. Just oppose bail vehemently for these terrorists’

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