
UJW blazing the trail for 90 years



On Sunday, one of South African Jewry’s oldest and most esteemed communal organisations, the Union of Jewish Women (UJW) of South Africa, marked 90 years of service to the Jewish community and the country at its triennial conference. Representatives of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies’ (SAJBD’s) Gauteng and Pretoria Councils attended the occasion at the Rabbi Cyril Harris Community Centre. The conference was combined with the Johannesburg launch of an exhibition on the distinguished history of the organisation. Greetings from the SAJBD were brought by National President Shaun Zagnoev, while Gauteng Deputy Chairperson Danny Mofsowitz was the emcee.

The UJW is one of the SAJBD’s most important affiliate organisations. Over the decades, its representatives have sat on all our national and regional councils and several have held senior positions on those bodies. We are also proud to have been able to have partnered with it in many significant outreach and educational projects. The UJW has the distinction of being the first Jewish organisation in South Africa that from its inception, has devoted itself to working not just on behalf of the Jewish community but all South Africans, regardless of colour or creed. As Zagnoev pointed out, many Jewish organisations today, the SAJBD included, are involved in wider outreach work, but the UJW was the pioneer and blazed a path for others to follow. We warmly congratulate the UJW on this auspicious milestone, and wish it many more good years of accomplishment and service.

Johannesburg’s latest inner-city tragedy

Last week, at least 77 people were tragically killed in a devastating fire that gutted a building in central Johannesburg, while many more suffered life-threatening burns and other injuries. As during previous times of crisis, most recently the aftermath of the gas explosion that also occurred in the Johannesburg CBD, the SAJBD lost no time in embarking on a relief campaign to assist those affected, including the families who have lost loved ones along with all their possessions and are living in makeshift shelters. We have been consulting the city’s disaster management officials on a regular basis to assess the specific issues that need to be addressed so that whatever assistance we are able to provide has maximum relevance and impact for those who require it. As on previous occasions, we have partnered with Fingertips for Africa, one of the many outstanding social-outreach non-governmental organisations that members of our community have established in recent years.

By being there on the ground in times of crisis, we demonstrate in meaningful, practical ways that as a Jewish community, we care about our fellow South Africans and are committed to doing whatever we can to help. As National Director Wendy Kahn stressed when interviewed on the Board’s response, our aim is to steer clear of political questions and instead focus on doing whatever we can to alleviate the plight of the victims.

To contribute to the Joburg fire disaster victims, the details are SA Jewish Board of Deputies, Standard Bank, Account:200305190, Reference: JoburgFireRelief.

  • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, 101.9 ChaiFM, every Friday from 12:00 to 13:00.

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