
UOS issues special prayer for rain

The Union of Orthodox Synagogues of South Africa (UOS) today issued a special prayer for rain which can be inserted into the Shema Koleinu section of the Amidah. Below are the English and Hebrew texts as provided by the UOS.




Prayer for Rain

And answer us, Creator of the world with the attribute of mercy, He who chooses His nation Israel to make known His greatness and the beauty of His glory. The One who hears Prayer, give dew and rain on the face of the earth, and satiate the entire world from Your goodness, and fill our hands from your blessings and from the wealth of the gifts of Your hands.

Guard and save this year from every evil thing and from all types of destruction and from all types of punishment, and make for it hope and culmination in peace.

Have compassion and mercy on us and all our produce and fruit, and bless us with rains of blessing, and let us merit life and satiety and peace like the good years. And remove from us plague and sword and famine, and harmful animals and captivity and plundering, and the evil inclination and bad and difficult illnesses, and bad and difficult occurrences.

And decree on us good decrees from before You, and may Your mercy overwhelm all your attributes, and conduct Yourself with your children with the trait of mercy, and accept with mercy and desire our prayers.


  1. shoshana kaplan

    December 16, 2015 at 8:01 pm

    ‘At last. Thank you soooo much for publishing such a moving and powerful prayer and the nachas you have given me . We must know that everything is guided by Our CREATOR AND He is involved in every aspect of our lives and I just am sooo happy with it. May you all be blessed with an abundance of good-health,peace, simcha,  nachas from your families and each other and good parnassa and may we ALL live together in harmony.’

  2. Denis Solomons

    December 17, 2015 at 6:03 am

    ‘Instead of praying for rain ; just put up a sukkah !’

  3. Choni

    December 17, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    ‘In my opinion according to the second chapter of ‘krait shema’ we learn that the presence or absence of rain is one way whereby Hashem expresses His satisfaction or dissatisfaction with people. With the anti-Israel policies of S.Africa it comes as no surprise that there is a drought in this country. But this is just my opinion and it could be a signal for young Jews to leave and come Home.’

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