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Upsurge in anti-Semitism worldwide a worry




Such anxiety is bad enough in itself, but as we have learned by bitter experience, it does not stop there. Today, any upsurge in violent confrontations involving Israel invariably leads to a corresponding upsurge in anti-Semitism throughout the world. Such has been the case with regard to the latest period of conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Regardless of the facts that brought about this tragic situation, there has been a truly frightening outpouring of hate speech against Jews in the Diaspora, and in a number of cases – examples are Morocco and Paris – violent attacks.

A situation is developing whereby in order to avoid being thus targeted, Jews are required not merely to desist from standing up for Israel’s right to defend itself, but to join in condemning her for doing so.

I was in Israel last week when the present hostilities erupted, and experienced at first-hand what the Israeli people are going through in being constantly subjected to deadly missile fire.

Despite such flagrant provocation on the part of Hamas, one nevertheless constantly comes up against a reluctance on the part of Israel’s detractors to sympathise with Israel’s plight, nor even to acknowledge that such attacks are taking place at all.

Such was the case with a truly repugnant statement issued, in the name of ANC Deputy Secretary General Jessie Duarte, at the start of the conflict. Somehow, this managed to omit any mention of the hundreds of Hamas rockets that had triggered off the Israeli response, nor those that even then were raining down on Israeli towns right up to the country’s northern border.

Even worse was Duarte’s likening Israel’s actions to those committed by the Nazis, a wicked untruth that not only grossly libelled the Jewish State but at the same time minimised the true horrors of the Holocaust.

In our media statement, we commented that Duarte was well aware that the two situations could not remotely be equated to one another but had chosen to make such a comparison solely in order to cause the maximum hurt and offense.

What has also been truly appalling has been the flood of naked anti-Semitic vitriol that has appeared throughout the social media. Time and again, we are seeing members of the public posting comments applauding the Holocaust, and expressing the wish that Hitler had finished the job. This was in addition to the usual allegations of Jewish exploitation and behind-scenes conniving at the expense of the rest of the population.

The Board has already laid a formal charge of hate speech against one of the perpetrators, and we are currently evaluating which other cases merit following up.

At the time of writing, Israel has committed itself to an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire, but missile attacks by Hamas are continuing. I can only hope that by the time this column appears, calm will have been restored.

No-one in Israel wanted this conflict. It is grim, thankless work seeking out those who, from amidst their own civilian population, seek to harm the Israeli people. Under these circumstances, civilian casualties are inevitable, even though the IDF goes to great lengths to minimise them.

Had it not been for Hamas’ reckless acts of aggression, every one of those who lost their lives over the past week would still be with is. Regardless of who is responsible, every innocent life lost is a tragedy, and we empathise with those on both sides who have suffered so needlessly.       



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    July 19, 2014 at 6:17 am

    ‘Jews have always been subjected to atrocities of all kinds since the very beginning of time. yet they have survived only because of the Almight,s love for us. I cannot comprehend why the worl disputes an Israeli state when there are many muslim states which exercise the dreaded Sharia law against women  and other savage disgusing customs and the world does not turn a hair. Why is the world,s population so against us having our own little land along the Mediterranean? WHEN THEY OWN HUGE PORTIONS OF LAND THAT ARE IN DIARRAY FROM THEIR RULE?  wHAT THREAT DO WE AS jEWS POSE WHEN WE ARE THE ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WHICH PROTECTS OUR STATE AND INHABITANTS AND ARE BRAVE AND UNWAVERING.Thanks to G.d,s Torah and the wisdom of our sages, we will carry on regardless. The world,s present leaders are a bunch of cowards who hide behind false ideolgies. They are like brainless sheep being led by a dangerous and false shepherd. Arabs want to take over the whole world. They are not satisfied with what they have and never will be.May G.d,s truth prevail.’

  2. Rosemary Diamond

    July 19, 2014 at 6:32 am

    ‘Our strength through G.d is a threat to the world. The tiny little land of Israel is a threat to those who are afraid of our power . Why should we not have a Jewish Homeland when the others have theirs?  Jealousy, greed arrogance and hate prevail in this world. Why can,t they leave us in peace to dwell in our land ?  wE WILL PROTECT OUR STATE AND OUR PEOPLE TO THE VERY LAST. wE ARE BRAVE AND SURVIVORS. May G.d continue to love and protect us throught Torah and the wisdom of the great sages and prophets.’

  3. Rosemary Diamond

    July 20, 2014 at 6:11 am

    ‘There seems to be no remedy for the hatred of the Jews since the beginning of time. We can however arm ourselves with tools to help us get through and understand what is going on in the world. This time was already forecast from our sages and prophets, so we know what these times are showing. The very best remedy is to cleave to our Creator by reading and studying the works of our famous sages and prophets and learn some Torah. It is the only thing that will take us into the future. Above all we must not be afraid. HAVE FAITH THAT aLMIGHTY g.D LOVES US AND THAT THERE IS A REASON FOR EVERYTHING WHICH WE, AS HUMANS CANNOT COMPREHEND. cLEAVE AND HOLD ON TO OUR WONDERFUL TEACHINGS. tHIS WILL PULL US THROUGH. aND MOST IMPORTANTLY – GIVE THANKS FOR EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE.’

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