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US Congressmen accuse Pandor of antisemitism



President Cyril Ramaphosa has been rapped over the knuckles by members of the United States (US) Congress, who have accused Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Dr Naledi Pandor of antisemitism.

In a strongly-worded letter addressed to Ramaphosa headed by two members of Congress and co-signed by other members of Congress, dated 12 April, they said Pandor’s recent threat to arrest members of the South African Jewish community serving in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) smacked of antisemitism.

Addressed directly to the South African president, the letter reads, “South Africa is home to a Jewish population of more than 70 000 individuals. For Foreign Minister Pandor to state, ‘I have already issued a statement alerting those who are South African and are fighting alongside or in the Israel Defense Forces: We are ready. When you come home, we’re going to arrest you,’ demonstrates a significant appearance of antisemitism.”

It furthermore requested that the South African government explain what steps were being taken to ensure that Jewish South Africans were protected against growing antisemitism, “specifically as senior government officials are increasing their hostile antisemitic statements”.

Members of Congress asked Ramaphosa what steps were in place to ensure that dual citizens weren’t falsely charged with genocide and war crimes in the “same manner as the false ICJ [International Court of Justice] accusations levelled in January”.

“If you and your government arrest soldiers of our allies, it will have consequences for the United States-South Africa relationship. While this plan was only introduced by Foreign Minister Pandor speaking of dual nationals, that may not be the case tomorrow as her personal opinions obfuscate the truth and justice.”

They asked what would happen in future to US dual nationals that served in the IDF who are on vacation to South Africa.

“Is your government prepared for the perpetration of false arrests on US citizens and the dire consequences that will follow?”

Political commentator and former US diplomat Brooks Spector said the letter wasn’t written by Congress, it was written by two members of Congress and co-signed by others which is a “distinction that has to be made”.

“It’s expressing an opinion – a very strong one – by several members of Congress, as opposed to a resolution passed by Congress. However the president should take all communication by representatives of a foreign country seriously.

“He should read it and respond, and shouldn’t brush it off or ignore it,” Spector said.

The letter was headed by Members of Congress Joe Wilson and Jared Moskowitz, and co-signed by Maria Elvira Salazar, Josh Gottheimer, James Richard Baird, Michael Walz, and Don Bacon.

Wilson posted on X (formerly Twitter), “Grateful to lead a letter with @RepMoskowitz to @PresidencyZA over their disgusting announcement of South Africa’s intent to arrest civilians for serving in the @IDF. The US will always stand with our ally Israel against gross judicial malfeasance”.

Professor Karen Milner, the national chairperson of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, said, “We welcome this action, and congratulate the US for standing both with the people of Israel and Jewish South Africans. Minister Pandor has relentlessly attempted to intimidate South African Jewry. Her undiplomatic behaviour, which she pursues with zealous vigour – such as her call for protests outside embassies – is being noted in the diplomatic world, and she’s now being held to account.”

The letter starts off by saying how on 10 March, Pandor announced at a Palestinian solidarity event that the South African government intended to arrest dual citizens with the state of Israel who were serving either compulsorily or voluntarily in Israel’s operation in Gaza.

“This is a gross miscarriage of justice that continues to perpetrate dangerous sentiments against Israeli citizens and the state of Israel’s right to exist,” said the letter.

“Israel, like every other nation, has a right to defend itself against terrorism.”

It described the events of 7 October as acts of terrorism by Hamas and said, “The international law of armed conflict doesn’t prohibit the citizens of any state from serving in the military of a nation to which the individual owes allegiance.”

It accused the South African government of filing “unfounded charges” at the ICJ “falsely alleging genocide in Gaza”. The letter highlighted a letter by the ICJ, which stated, “Indeed, South Africa is engaged in an abusive exploitation of the court’s procedures. It ignores inconvenient facts, and distorts others in an offensive and tendentious manner as request follows request with barely time to draw breath”, and stated, “And yet, your government extends beyond the unfounded ICJ case to now miscarry justice against your own citizens serving their second allegiance.”

A Washington insider told the SA Jewish Report that there was “definitely more awareness in Congress” about what South Africa has done, is doing, and saying on issues affecting Israel and related issues.

“The House Bill talks about re-examining and re-evaluating the relationship between South Africa and the US, and one could speculate that this is all because of South Africa’s increasingly one-sided attention on Israel including the case before the ICJ,” he said.

“Any foreign policy observer would say that this is an extraordinary development that occurred during the foreign minister’s trip to Washington, and leading up to national elections in South Africa.”

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  1. yitzchak

    April 18, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    1) The report last week of the enforced resignation of Dr Bridget Farham( the editor) is a disgrace to the South African Medical Association and its propagandist rag The South African Medical Journal and its other journal in its stable, The South African Journal of bioethics and law, which eventually published the articles that Dr Farham bravely and with decent moral integrity refused because she saw the blind spots of the contributors.namely that the real genocide took place against us took place on 7.10 and which they (all from the muslim community) airbrushed out of the documented historical record.These now have crawled out of the wormwood to appear in the SAJBL.with no contrary opinion.
    I believe that the editor Prof Dhai and Dr Soni have a professional case to answer for their myopic and one sided propaganda dishonesty and dissimulation.(Those contributors cited their own articles and each others’ in the same journal!)
    Neither by their long record has any truck with Israel and Dr A Soni in particular reflects and represents the Media Review Network as an executive member.(Extremely islamist and fascist)
    None could bring themselves to confront the grim contraventions of the Genocide Convention which took place on 7.10 against us,
    and the ongoing violation of the rights of non combatants, women, and children, held by Hamas guaranteed by the Geneva Conventions 3 and 4.which have not been insisted upon by the pusillanimous ICRC who have not been able to visit, bring medicine and food to those who are held in captivity. This is sharia and jihad in its practice which disregards humanitarian law.Humanitarian laws cannot be cherry picked one by one.
    They would be better off picking each side of their noses since it it is unusual to pick both sides at the same time.What happened on 7.10 beats Marikana , Sharpeville and Ouradour together!

    Madam Pandor, DIRCO and the ANC have placed South Africa in the Iranian axis of evil Crescent.They are the true enemies of peace , not Israel.
    Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon(Hizballa) Hamas (Gaza) Yemen Houthis, and now South Africa which can be egregiously proud of its association. Maybe Pandor should consider prosecuting local south africans who aid and abet foreign mercenaries by their collections for Hamas and their like leaning hooligans.(South Africa Banks need to passop.)That’s also in our “anti mercenary law”.As far as SA foreign policy goes it has been a failure since it has been unable to reign in their allies in Iran and Gaza.There are more honest brokers on Wall Street.

    Finally “Daily Maverick” sees fit to print deeply anti Israel propaganda (especially by Jewish SA communists and reincarnated bundists) who all have a long history of anti Zionism ,and without debate not to mention the antisemitic caricature artists who never had any sympathy for our plight…..”concerned Jews” , “Jews without borders”
    and of course” borderline Jews”.Don’t contribute to their coffers!

    Do not allow our lobotimised and bigoted opponents to negate the genocide of 7.10 and and never to forget those who are held in worse conditions than cattle or slaves on a transport ship and abused and impregnated as sex slaves.

    I pray for the souls of Hamas fighters in Rafiah in advance. They thought that Iran would distract us from our destiny and them from their fate.How wrong they will be discovering soon.

  2. yitzchak

    April 22, 2024 at 1:42 pm


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