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Users in fine voice on a wide range of topics




It is very similar to the situation with our print edition where many readers will grab it and read the letters pages before they read the news.

Sometimes, it is more like a minyan where everyone is reading from the same page. At other times, the comments section becomes quite heated. Of course Jewish Report has to moderate (and often censor or simply not publish) certain comments.

Users are welcome to comment in their own names and submit an e-mail address or remain anonymous by means of noms de plume – although the criteria for moderation is somewhat more stringent for the latter.

There are a number of hot-button issues that always cause a tête-à-tête, or a flurry of them. The hot-button topics are reasonably predictable:

  • Orthodox vs Progressive opinions
  • Left- vs right-wing Zionism
  • Homosexuality
  • Chareidism

But often it is something completely different and unexpected – and often those making comment are well-known voices in the community.

An example, today, was “Rav Shalom” and Ilan Solomons coming in from two completely different angles on Board sued in Equality Court over ‘Kol Isha’ which has had over 2 000 words of comment. The follow-up story published today, Lawsuit rabbi suspended from Board meetings will likely attract even more.

Readers who want to check out our policies regarding comments can find our COMMENT GUIDELINES.  And, there is also a host of information on our privacy policy and other general LEGAL POLICIES.

The biggest chirp-fest between readers at the moment is on our story “Why 3 videos of a West Bank shooting are roiling Israel

Beth Din to name & shame refusers of gets

Most related stories but mostly on Bobroff’s running under new management, Sheila’s Story – read how tragedy played out and Tales of woe from former Bobroff clients – the latter being the most-read story on this year to date.

So, users, feel free to join the conversation…

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  1. Rav Shalom

    April 14, 2016 at 12:24 pm

    ‘Thank you for providing the platform.

    Good  to find so many of our Community so passionately engaged.

    So many dissenting opinions on many subjects.

    Discussion and debate is positive but what disturbs me is the anger and lack of perspective of some comments.

    Many fail to consider alternative points of view.

    I shudder to think of the comments you have to withhold.

    A small criticism:

    Perhaps your journalists should try to present more nuanced viewpoints within their articles.

    Some of your material is too accepting of the interviewee.

    When the writer does not postulate a different opinion/position the article (unintentionally) becomes a promo for its subject.

    Keep up the good work’

  2. nat cheiman

    April 15, 2016 at 12:11 pm

    ‘With respect, there will always be alternative points of view and it may be that the absence of alternative points of view, mean that people agree with the stated point.

    However, SAJR does provide the opportunity for readers  dissenting or otherwise) to articulate their points of view.

    Being Jewish and supporting Israel (and indeed Jewishness), is a passion for some ( not all) Jews.

    When nations/ countries/ organisations (BDS & the UN) and Islamic radicals & others wish to injure/ hurt/ harm/ attack Israel ( and Jews), there surely must be a lot of anger unless one is irresolute about one Jewishness. Generally, wars are fought in anger and not necessarily for peace, either.

    I have no doubt that those with \”anger\”, react with a view to defensiveness/vigilance.

    In the light of the global resentment for Jews, I do not blame the commentators for expressing their exasperation and irritability toward points of view that are perilous and menacing toward Israel ( & Jews)

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