
Using your smartphone as a weapon
Shira Evian
Mayer’s creative outlook on the Internet and social media is the exact kind of innovation needed on the Israeli Twitter and Facebook PR front. Young adults were invited and inspired at an event hosted by SAJBD and the SAZF, in which Avi Mayer spoke about the power each person has through social media and how it can be used to counteract the many anti-Israel posts that are swarming the web.
Over cocktails and chatting with the guests, Mayer shared with fellow posters, some tips that he likes to use when facing negative posts. He believes strongly in publishing positive and truthful posts about Israel from well-known sources, instead of tweets with undirected emotion. He went on to explain that the best way to confront hateful posts directed at you, is to share and retweet them, rather than delete them. He highly encourages continuous conversation between fellow tweeters and to always follow up on anti-Semitic responses that should be confronted with an appropriate response.
Mayer stressed the fact that in a world where social media allows anyone to be a “journalist” at the touch of a button, it is imperative that we, as the youth be prepared and know exactly how to respond and how to post truthful and positive information about Israel.
This was a great way to enlighten the youth of South Africa about the best way to defend Israel, anytime and anywhere.