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Veronica’s speaking at Yom Hashoah commemorations




A real survivor!

Born in Hungary, Veronica survived years of internment in the international ghetto in Budapest, The Ravensbruck, Penig and the Johannesorgenstadt Concentration Camps as well as the Death Marches.

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RIGHT: This is not the first time popular Veronica has spoken to the South African Jewish community of her experiences – she is pictured here with Tali Nates, the doyen of the SA fight to ensure that Jewry, and the world, never forgets


Veronica will share her experiences at this moving ceremony which commemorates the death of the six million Jews who perished at the hands of the Nazis during the Second World War.


The ceremony will be held at the Martyr’s Monument, West Park Jewish Cemetery on Thursday May 5, at 12:30.    

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LEFT: This is not the first time popular Veronica has spoken to SA Jewry. She is pictured at an event hosted by the Hungarian Embassy in Pretoria with that county’s Ambassador, and Israeli Ambassador Arthur Lenk

The programme for the ceremony includes the lighting of six memorial lamps by Holocaust survivors.

Ceremonies will take place in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria and Port Elizabeth on Thursday, May 5 and in Durban and Bloemfontein on Sunday, May 8. 

Mary Kluk, national president of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies and director of the Durban Holocaust Centre, will also talk about the specific lessons that the Holocaust has for South Africa today.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. nat cheiman

    April 26, 2016 at 7:51 pm

    ‘I am reminded of these horrors perpetrated more than 70 years ago, by the actions and utterings of BDS / Hamas/ Hezbollah/ Iran / Palestinians and the United Nations.

    \”Never again\” should mean \”never again\” and should be followed up by military means.’

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