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Visas: No to Dalai Lama but yes to Yasser Arafat



Jack Miller


The ANC government deployed South African troops into Lesotho , to uphold a virtual dictator in a country that holds no threat of danger to the South Africa.

Yet the ANC condemns the Israelis for launching reprisals into Gaza, whence at least 20 000 rockets have bombarded Israeli territory and from whence – Gaza and the West Bank – suicide bombers and murderers with the avowed intention to kill every Jew, and wipe Israel off the face of the earth

Anybody recognise what bigotry and hypocrisy in the actions of the ANC? Anybody recognise the application of double standards?


Gresswold, Johannesburg

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1 Comment

  1. Gary Selikow

    September 11, 2014 at 7:32 am

    ‘the ANC/SACP regime in SA ALWAYS sides wit the evil tyrants and murderers in every situation in their foreign policy.

    whether its with North Korea, Iran, Mugabe’s regime in Zimbabwe, Sudan, Venezuela, Castro’s Cuba, Iraq when it was under Saddam, LIbya when it was under Gaddafi, Hamas, Hezbollah.

    they support evil for its own sake which is Satanic

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