Letters/Discussion Forums

Walking out the back door was cowardly

So, the Jews of Jo’burg surrendered. Did we not see the same thing in Nazi Germany? This time it was in Jo’burg, at a photographic exhibition.



Sonny Myerson, Cape Town

As a former Israeli combat soldier, I am horrified by the way the Jews of Jo’burg capitulated. And, you had the Community Security Organisation (CSO) and police to protect you. Spare me the excuses.

Shimon Peres said that one of the main reasons he pushed for the Entebbe raid was not to give in to terrorism. He said that if we gave in, terrorists would become emboldened. You have emboldened the enemy. They now know that they can scare you.

You walked out the back door. Let me repeat that, you walked out the back door. Are you not ashamed? In my eyes and in the eyes of every Israeli combat soldier, you are a bunch of cowards.

We are ashamed of you.

If the CSO could not protect you, what do we need it for?



  1. M

    June 21, 2018 at 2:42 pm

    ‘Such aggressive, war like views have brought death and shame to our Israeli cousins. Why would we want to introduce them here.’

  2. nat cheiman

    June 23, 2018 at 2:54 pm

    ‘I fully agree and endorse this letter’

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