Warm tribute to excellent work of the JWBS
They are dedicated to the noblest of our Jewish values, that of tzedakah and chesed – charity and loving-kindness.The importance of tzedakah is manifest in the reward promised for its fulfilment. The Code of Jewish Law (YD 247:2,3,4), based on the Talmud, has this to say:
“No-one ever becomes poor from [giving] tzedakah, and no bad thing or damage comes as a result of it, as it states ‘The product of tzedakah shall be peace’ (Isaiah 32:17). Whoever has compassion on the poor, the Holy One Blessed be He, has compassion on him. Note: A person should recognise that he requests sustenance from the Holy One Blessed be He, and in the same way that he requests from the Holy One Blessed be He to take heed of his plea, so should he take heed of the pleas of the poor… Tzedakh sets aside all harsh decrees, and in a famine it saves from death… and it brings wealth. And it is forbidden to test G-d except in this matter [that is, that it brings wealth]…”
In the merit of our tzedakah, may Hashem bless us all with a good year.