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We’re tiny, but have lots to give SA




I recently came into possession of someone’s speech at the 30th National Triennial Conference of the Union of Jewish Women in 2014. In this speech, Menachem Begin was quoted on six lessons he taught 30 young Jewish American’s visiting Israel.

They were the lessons of the holocaust.

1. If our enemy says he seeks to destroy us – take him seriously and don’t make light of it.

2. When a Jew anywhere in the world is threatened or attacked. Do all in your power to make it your problem too and to assist them.

3. A Jew needs to learn to defend himself.

4. Jewish dignity and honour must be protected in all circumstances. The seeds of Jewish destruction lie in passively enabling the enemy to humiliate us.

5. Stand united in the face of the enemy.

6. There is a pattern to Jewish history. We rise, we fall, we return, we are exiled, we are enslaved, we rebel, we liberate ourselves, we are oppressed once more.


Was this premature? Is it today?

Ten years ago had I read this speech I would have found it a bit far-fetched and filled with paranoia. I think there are still people that find this type of letter maybe premature.

However, if we are to truly introspect, as a nation, just in a South-African context, we would need to appreciate that now more than ever we need to live these rules. Not because there is an imminent threat but to ensure that such a threat cannot occur.


What SA Jewry needs to do…

1. We have enemies. Xenophobia is not just limited to spaza shop owners in certain areas.  Within our continent there are people that cannot distinguish between Israel and Jew and that calculated mistake can bring about unwanted issues to our nation. Acting out the lessons above can be helpful even if it serves to prevent one incident. Use the channels open to you to report incidents and to counter propaganda.

Bergman Darren scarf2. A Jew being attacked for his religion needs to be defended in numbers. Defence can come in the form of representation, words, money, efforts, protests and conversation to name a few. The bottom line is to find more reasons to help rather than excuses not to.

3. Defence comes in the form of knowledge and not necessarily physical strength. Know why you should be proud to be Jewish and why we deserve to exist. Learn why the enemy thinks otherwise and learn to discount that. The Jews have a proud history in South-Africa of being productive and benevolent. Volunteer organisations that secure life and installation as well as offer world class medical services to more than just our community are a few to mention.

4. Tolerance of anti-Semitism and other remarks and jokes is widespread but worse than that our worst critics happen to be ourselves.

5. Stand united. If you Jewish keep your internal battles within and put on a brave public face of unity. The Jewish Report has become a haven for dissent and whilst it is healthy, there are people out there that use this medium as a source for quoting at their public marches and preaching from the pulpit. Jewish organisations need to also focus more on the external problem then putting gas to flame when it comes to Judaic issues. We all have a responsibility here and excuses cause issues for everyone.

6. This is the one point I would like to challenge Honourable Begin on, let’s not repeat history. Let us be a light to the darkness and a flame that draws rather than repels.

I challenge all Jews from today to become an ambassador of the Jewish faith, regardless of the politics in Israel and around us. Take heed of Menachem Begin’s words and learn to lead by example and defend by truth. We are a tiny nation with lots to give. Let’s make peace universally.

  • Darren Bergman is a regular contributor to Jewish Report, a Jewish Member of Parliament in the National Assembly and the deputy shadow minister for sports and recreation. His constituency is Soshanguve South. Darren previously served several terms with vigour an the opposition bench of the Johannesburg City Council 
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  1. Choni

    February 3, 2015 at 12:45 pm

    ‘With all your good..

    \n​Sorry Choni, cut – boring, insulting, trolling, rude, arrogant and unrelated.
    \nI would guess this to be over 1,000 times now that you have tried to harass writers with this same message.
    \nClose to 100,000 South African Jews, for whatever their reasons may be, do NOT agree with your repetitive and rude insults that the only good Jew is Israeli. Among those numbers are thousands of Israelis, many of them who have become statements SA citizens – or, like in your case, made aliyah and returned.
    \nYou seem to believe that only you have special circumstances, but anybody else’s else’s reasons for not wanting to live in Israel are unacceptable.
    \nYour statements are just rude, arrogant and insulting. 
    ANT KATZ – 

  2. Mordechai

    February 4, 2015 at 4:11 am

    ‘Hi Ant, I note that my post sent in on Monday has not been posted. Is there any reason for my post to be omitted ? I cant see any reason for the omission

    \nI certainly didn’t delete it and I don’t see it there. Our other moderators would have referred it and our Ed-In-Chief would have mentioned it had she done so. Our hosts did have a small problem with the server for a while – which shouldn’t have caused a dropped comment. Maybe the Security letters were wrong or something. Please re-post. -Ant

  3. Mordechai

    February 4, 2015 at 5:16 am

    ‘Hi Ant, while I have not seen the latest post from Choni and as I am a fairly new contributor I cant comment on Choni’s post. What I can comment on is the current mind set of S African Jewry when it comes to their feelings about South Africa and their love for this openly biased and Israel hating country. The current regime has totally discounted the contribution the Jewish community and Jews played in opposing Apartheid. One does not have to be an MBA graduate to realize that Jews in the diaspora are closely tied to Israel and if you are against Israel it is an insult to all Jews around the world. What I cant figure out is how can the S African Jewish community be so proudly S African. The picture displayed above is a good illustration of this. If I look back to the years under Apartheid you would struggle to find a Jew wearing a scalf with the South African flag. It astounds me having grown up in S Africa that a community can be so proudly S African with the same country that is so blatantly Anti Israel and so proudly pro Arab. It astounds me how the religious and lay Jewish leadership are not encouraging its youth to leave S Africa as there is NO future for the community. How can the leadership be so selfish’

  4. Denis Solomons

    February 6, 2015 at 6:20 am

    ‘Good to have Jewish politicians ; think of people like Tony Leon , Helen Suzman , Harry Schwartz, Marcelle Ravid  and others.

    What is happening in South Africa is that one is getting the rabbis enchroaching more and more on the political arena .

    I suppose its dog eat dog out there!

    Even Ronnie Kasrils,Joe Slovo , Ruth First Professor Steven Freidman were reportedly Jewish.

    Lets leave politics for the politicians ,

    Enough said !’

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