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Welcome Back to Durban



Howard Feldman

Earlier today, South African media outlets began reporting on the demands by The Durban University of Technology students to force the deregistration of Jews, and especially those who do not support the Palestinian cause. 


Durban, a coastal city on the warm Indian Ocean, will be remembered by many as being the city in 2001 that hosted the World Conference Against Racism. A conference boycotted by the United States ironically because of its “ugly displays of racism and anti-Semitism.” Because its singular goal was to equate Zionism with racism and because its focus was Israel and Israel alone. 


As a South African I am ashamed. As a Jew I am mortified, and as a father and a husband, I wonder for how much longer I can pretend that my family of Jews are welcome in this beautiful country.


This week saw the Minister of Home Affairs MalusiGigaba arms outstretched welcoming Laila Khalid, a sworn enemy of the Jews. A woman who sanctions and praises the murder of children because they are Jewish children. A woman who rejects negotiation and dialogue in favour of bloodshed. A woman undeserving of anything but scorn but one nevertheless that has been invited to the President’s State of the Nation Address.


I am ashamed. I am mortified and I am truly afraid. 


But sadly, I am not surprised. 


The children of the Durban University of Technology who have demanded that Jews be removed from the university are doing what children do. They are mimicking and emulating the behavior of their parents. They are following the examples that they have been shown. They are doing what their parents do and not what they say. 


Our children have been told that it is acceptable to hate Jews if they are Zionists. Because we can get away with it then. But children aren’t fooled, they see things for what they are, and the children of this University have removed the veneer and revealed the reality that there is a hatred for Jews simply because they are Jewish. 


Because racism and prejudice is alive and well in South Africa. And although we have worked so hard to eradicate it from our midst, we have clearly failed. We have failed tragically. It’s blight on us all and it is heart breaking. 


Today I am ashamed of being a South African. I weep for what the country has become and I pray to God for all of our future.

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  1. Choni

    February 12, 2015 at 9:17 am

    ‘When Mr. Feldman began writing a column for this this site a few months ago, he was always described as being proudly Jewish, proudly South African, and proudly Zionist.

    Now Mr. Feldman states emphatically that he is ashamed of being a South African. I can only admire him for admitting his mistaken sentiments, and sincerely hope that he will try to influence his children to make Aliyah.

    Furthemore, I hope that other Jewish leaders, especially religious ones, would emulate Mr. Feldman, and realise that our young generation will not be welcome in this country for much longer.

    Jews! This is a Schemittah year, and the God of Israel is guiding His nation.

    I hope Mr. Feldman’s column will awaken many to what so many have swept under the carpet.

    P.S. Ant. You will recall how you castigated me for my words regarding Mr. Feldman being a \”proud South African Jew\”‘

  2. Mordechai

    February 12, 2015 at 10:18 pm

    ‘Hi Howard, a well written article. My question to you is why is it only today that you are ashamed of being a South African. The writing has been on the wall since the rainbow nation being the new South Africa was born. Just look at the actions and words of your South African government towards the Jewish state of Israel. If you have young adult children you need to get them to leave S Africa. As a leader of the countries Jewish community you need to focus on getting Jews to leave. You and every Jew needs to stop saying that you are proud South Africans. How can any Jew be proud of being South African’

  3. Choni

    February 15, 2015 at 11:18 am

    ‘Unbelievable! Mr. Feldman has had the courage to write the most important statement made by a Jewish \”leader\” for many years.  And there are just 2 comments?’

  4. Mordechai

    February 16, 2015 at 12:40 am

    ‘No Jew who supports Israel can possibly be a proud South African.’

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