
What’s On in SA Jewish Community

As always, there is lots going on for the Jewish communities around the country. Contact local leadership for additional activities




 Friday (May 15)


* Chabad Seniors Club presents a daily “Educational Academy for the Elderly”. Free transportation as well as occupational therapy, dynamic lectures and discussions, refreshments, lunch, Yiddish Club, iPad lessons, blood pressure and sugar tests and more. Venue: Chabad House Savoy. Information: Rabbi Ari Kievman (011) 440-6600


* Shul in Sandton Central presents “Study & Minyan in the CBD”. Come learn with Moses, Maimonides and a couple of rabbis. Venue: 8 Stella Street, Sandton. Time: 17:00 – 19:00 Mincha/Mariv 17:30 – 18:15. Information: Rabbi Ari Kievman 079-434-1293 or


* UZLC hosts Mannie Zar on “Some Humour in the Law”. Venue: Our Parents Home. Time: 12:45 – 14:00. Contact: Gloria 072-127-9421 or (011) 485-4851.


Saturday (May 16)


* Pine Street Shul, under the auspices of the Chazzones Club, screens “Beneath the Helmet” at the shul, followed by a talk by Wayne Kopping, producer of the film. Time: 19:30. Cost R60 (incl light supper). Limited seating. Booking essential. Information: Ashley Lazarus, tel (011) 728-6366 o re-mail Payment at the door.


* Greenside Shul hosts Sarah Sassoon after the brocha, on “Iraqi Jews and Their Relationship to Ezra and Nechemiah. Contact: Lara (011) 447-3729 for more information.


Sunday (May 17)


* Chabad’s Goodness & Kindness Centre presents “Power Sundays; Learn, Shmooze, Pray. Start Your Week in a Soulful Way!” Venue: 8 Stella Street, Sandton. Time:08:15. Information: Rabbi Ari Kievman 079-434-1293 or


* RCHCC screens “The Tin Drum”, a film by Volcker Schlondorff. Venue: Clive M Beck Auditorium. Time: 19:30. Donation: R70 (incl refreshments). Booking: Hazel or René (011) 7288088/8378), a/h (011) 7288378, email: or or


* RCHCC hosts the opening of an exhibition of paintings by Thyrza Stott and Ronel Wheeler. Time: 18:00. Exhibition closes on Sunday June 7. Gallery Hours: Monday – Thursday 09:00 – 16:00; Friday 09:00 – 12:00; Saturday – closed. Enquiries: Hazel or René (011) 728-8088, a/h (011) 728-8378 or e-mail or


* Greenside Shul, as part of its Yom Yerushalayim celebration, hosts a “First Fun Run/Walk of Greenside Jerusalem Marathon” at 08:30, with trainer Graham Rozen. Contact: Lara (011) 447-3729 for more information.


* Second Innings hosts Dr Judy Jaye on “The Value of Positive Thinking”. Venue: The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden Acres. Time: 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: R20 members, R30 visitors (incl tea and light refreshments). Contact: Linda Fleishman (011) 532-9701.


Monday (May 18)


* Chabad Seniors Club for men and women includes free transport, memory enhancement with occupational therapist Cynthia Liptz, lectures and discussions, refreshments, lunch, iPad lessons and more. Venue: Chabad House, Savoy. Time: 09:00 – 13:00. Information: Rabbi Ari Kievman (011) 440-6600


* South African Jewish Museum in Cape Town hosts internationally acclaimed photographer David Rubinger at the Museum, to promote an exhibition of some of his most famous photographs. The exhibition will run until the end of July. Rubinger will be available for interviews from May 12 – 17 in Cape Town. Contact: Gavin Morris at or (021) 465-1546.


* UJW adult education division hosts Edward French, consultant to SA Qualifications Authority and observer of the politics surrounding educational policy in SA, on “Personal Reflections on Standards of Education in South Africa”. Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: UJW office (011) 648-1053.


Tuesday (May 19)


* Chabad offers a “Mulitplex of Shiurim”. Venue: Chabad House, 27 Aintree Avenue, Savoy. The 09:45 lecture for men and women, “Power of the People” with Rabbbi Ari Kievman and at 11:15 an exclusive ladies shiur with Aviva Goldman. Free transport, refreshments, lunch, no cost. Information (011) 440-6600 or


* WIZO Forum presents “The Key to Unlocking the World of Books”, with booklover Penny Hochfeld and Exclusive Books CEO, Benjamin Trisk. Venue: Exclusive Books Rosebank. Time: 09:45 for 10:00. Cost: R40 (incl tea). Contact: Nadine (011) 645-2515 or


* Greenside Shul, as part of its heritage programme, presents a nine-part series with Abba Eban, “Civilisation and the Jews” every Tuesday until June 9. Venue: Downstairs function hall. Entrance free. Donations toward screening of DVD series welcome. Time: 19:30 – 20:30. Contact: Lara (011) 447-3729 for more information and to RSVP.


Wednesday (May 20)


* Chabad House offers “Get Ready for Shavuot”, a lecture for men and women, “Venue: Chabad House, Savoy. Time: 09:45. Information: (011) 440-6600 or


* Chabad House offers “Judaism Decoded: The Origins & Evolution of Jewish Tradition”. Venue: Kirsh Goodness & Kindness Centre, 8 Stella Street, Sandton. Time: 19:15. Information:


* UJW adult education division hosts Dr Lorraine Chaskalson, former lecturer in the Dept of English at Wits on “Contemporary Poetry and its Relevance to Our Own Lives”. Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: UJW office (011) 648-1053.


* Second Innings hosts the new Barbara Streisand movie “Back to Brooklyn”. Venue: Ditsong Museum of Military History, Saxonwold. Time: 09:30 for 10:00.It’s a 2-hour movie, with an intermission for tea). Cost: R80. Enquiries and bookings: Betty Jankelowitz. Tel (011) 532-9701.


* Beit Emanuel hosts the 11th Franz Auerbach Interfaith Memorial lecture. Guest speaker: Prof Jonathan Jansen, vice-chancellor of the University of the Free State. Time: 20:00.


Thursday (May 21)


* WIZO every Thursday hosts Rabbi Michael Katz for a “Lunch & Learn” shiur. Venue: Beyachad. Time: 13:00. Enquiries: WIZO office, (011) 645-2515.


1 Comment

  1. Peggy Beasley

    May 29, 2015 at 7:55 pm


    Would it be possible for you to send me your May 08-15 2009 South Africa Jewish Report?  I am looking for the article on my friend, Dr. Mardel.   The article is \”Through child screening a stitch in time may save nine.\”

    This would mean a great deal to me.

    Thank you,

    Peggy Beasley

    3260 Lake Pointe Blvd.

    Sarasota, FL  34231′

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