
What’s On in SA Jewish Community

As always, there is lots going on for the Jewish communities around the country. Contact local leadership for additional activities




Friday (May 29)


* Shalom Masorti Seniors Club welcomes anyone who would like to make new friends and have some light-hearted fun on the last Friday of each month. Tea will be served and there will be a selection of board games, cards, including bridge. Time: 14:30. Contact: Esther, (011) 485-5619.


* UZLC hosts David Saks from the Jewish Board of Deputies on “South African Jewry and World War 2”. Venue: Our Parents Home. Time: 12:45 – 14:00. Contact: Gloria, (011) 485-4851 or 072-127-9421.



Sunday (May 31)


* RCHCC in partnership with JH&GC hosts a presentation by Professor Henry Green of the University of Miami (Florida) on “Charlie Hebdo and the New Face of Anti-Semitism”. Venue: Clive M Beck Auditorium. Time: 19:30. Donation: R80 (incl refreshments). Booking: Hazel or René (011) 7288088/8378, a/h (011) 7288378 or

* JWBS hosts “The Sonia Bernstein Book Fair/Mini Market/Milk Deli”. Venue: Jabula Recreation Centre, Sandringham. Time: From 08:30 to 12:30. Information: (011) 485-5232.


* Jewish Genealogical Society of SA hosts Harold Nackan on “My 40-Year Voyage of Discovery of the Ancestry of the Nakan/Nackan Family Tree” Venue: HOD. Time: 19:00 Cost: R20 (incl tea & refreshments). RSVP: Hannah (011) 485-2188.


Monday (June 1)


* UJW adult education division hosts Prof David Zeffertt, emeritus professor of law, Wits, on “Compromise” Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: UJW Office (011) 648-1053.


Tuesday (June 2)


* UJW adult education division hosts Estelle Sher, musicologist and JPO lecturer, on “A Programme of Music and Discussion Based on the Current JPO Programme”. Venue: Home of Stella Beder: 104 Pembury Lodge, 1 Kernick Avenue, Melrose North. Time: 10:00. Donation: R35. Contact: UJW office (011) 648-1053.


Wednesday (June 3)


* Emunah Movement is holding a morning of “Laughter, Song and Snacks”. Venue: Glenhazel Shul Hall. Time: 09:30 for 10:00. Donation: R150. All proceeds to Achusat Sara Children’s Home, Bnei Brak, Israel. Contact: Ethne 083-400-5312..


* UJW adult education division hosts Dr Lorraine Chaskalson, former lecturer in the Dept of English at Wits on “Contemporary Poetry and its Relevance to Our Own Lives”. Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: UJW office (011) 648-1053.


Thursday (June 4)


* WIZO every Thursday hosts a “Lunch & Learn” shiur with Rabbi Michael Katz. Venue: Beyachad. Time: 13:00. Information: WIZO office, (011) 645-2515.


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