
What’s On in SA Jewish Community
Friday (March 11)
* Bet David’s Kabbalat Shabbat Service has as guest speaker Riad Hassoun. Time: 18.00 – 19.00. Venue: Bet David, Morningside: Contact: Sharon (011) 783 7117.
Saturday (March 12)
* WIZO Tzabar presents “Songs from our Beloved Israel” with Nir Dishon and his singing group “Gvanim. Venue: The World of Yamaha, Sandton. Time: 19:30 for 20:00. Cost: R250. Bookings: Batya (011) 645-2517 or wizojhbaccounts@beyachad.co.za; Nava: 082-789-9118; or Raya 083-377-2970.
* Bet David Torah Study and light breakfast from 08:45 – 09:45. No charge. Youth service and activities for all children ages 3 – 10. Time: 10.00 – 12.00. Shabbat Morning Service at 10:00 followed by a brocha. Youth Sleepover from after shul to Sunday, for kids aged 7 to 15. Enquiries: youth@betdavid.org.za
Sunday (March 13)
* Second Innings hosts Candice Greenland, schools consultant For Enviroserv, on “Waste Not, Want Not”. Venue: The Gerald Horwitz Lounge, Golden Acres. Time 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: R20 members, (incl tea and light refreshments). Information: Linda Fleishman (011) 532-9701.
* JWBS is holding a movie premiere “Remember” at Killarney Mall. Time: 14:00. Cost: R150pp incl. popcorn and Coke. Information: (011) 485-5232 or e-mail admin@jwbs.joburg
Monday (March 14)
* Cape Town Holocaust Centre in partnership with the Jacob Gitlin Library, screens the SA premiere of the acclaimed documentary “Night Will Fall”. Venue: 88 Hatfield Street, Gardens. Time: 20:00. (Please Note: This film contains graphic footage of victims of the Holocaust. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.) Entrance free, but donations welcome. RSVP: (021) 462-5553 or admin@holocaust.org.za
* UJW adult education division hosts Dr Elaine Katz, research professor in history at Wits, on “American Mining Engineers and Mining in South Africa” Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: (011) 648-1053.
Tuesday (March 15)
* JJAC invites Jewish singles aged 27 – 49 to “Movie night”. Meet at 19:00 at the bottom of the escalator at Sandton City. E-mail whatson@jjac.co.za to book.
Wednesday (March 16)
* UJW adult education division hosts Dr Lorraine Chaskalson, formerly of Dpt of English at Wits, on “The Written Word Leaps off the Page” Venue: 1 Oak Street, Houghton. Time: 09:30. Donation: R35. Contact: (011) 648-1053.
Thursday (March 17)
* Bet David’s weekly discussion group with Rabbi Adrian Schell covers “The Prayers of our Siddur”. Time: 18:00 – 19:30. No charge. Venue: Bet David, Morningside. Enquiries: Sharon (011) 783 7117.
* RCHCC hosts a talk by Dean Murinik on “Levelling the Playing Field”. Venue: Clive M Beck Auditorium. Donation: R80 (incl refreshments). Time: 19:30. Booking: Hazel or René (011) 728-8088/8378, a/h (011) 728-8378, e-mail: rchcc@telkomsa.net or rene.s@telkomsa.net