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Where are the petitions against Hamas atrocities?




Why have there been years of continued rocket fire on Israel? And what would be the acceptable response for Israel to take? I’m pretty sure that none of the signatories would want to live in a place that has been targeted by more than 11 000 rockets since 2005! Where has the petition for Hamas to stop shooting rockets into Israel been all these years?

It’s so disappointing when academics and people who seem to be “educated” make such unfair statements. Academia can be a pressurised place. Perhaps they just can’t stand the heat and make independent decisions?

And what about the ceasefire? The ceasefire was so that Gazans could receive food and medicine. What happened instead? It was breached after two hours. Hamas killed several Israeli soldiers. Where is the petition against that?

And what about the tunnels that took years to build? All that cement was supposed to build schools, homes and hospitals. Hamas STOLE it from the Palestinian people to use to construct terror tunnels to infiltrate Israel. Where is the petition against that?

Thank you to David Freemantle, a non-Jew who wrote in supporting Israel’s right to self-defence. There are indeed many non-Jews who see clearly and stand with Israel, like the young Muslim featured in JR last week. His relatives plotted to harm him for his dissenting opinion.

We Jews may disagree with each other, but we do not plot to harm each other. This is one of the core issues: Fundamental Islamists cannot tolerate opinions that differ from their own!

Tawfik Hamid, a former Muslim terrorist, said: “Egypt offered a ceasefire and Israel immediately accepted it… Hamas refused the ceasefire… the FULL responsibility for killings lies with Hamas.”

But so far no petitions against the terrorists. Only more of the same unfair, cowardly criticism of a small country trying to keep its people safe. Very disappointing that some of our brethren have lost clarity. It seems they would opt for Israel to carry on as it was and be continuous targets of terror. How ludicrous!

The rally to support Israel was a resounding success. Over 12 000 people attended! Thank you to the organisers. Special thanks to all the African people of colour who attended and spoke inspirationally to show solidarity with Israel! Viva Israel!


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  1. Darlene

    August 9, 2014 at 1:45 am

    ‘It’s disgusting that Obama, is ignoring what is going on, children are being crucified, they are chopping heads of of children and putting them on a stick and in the ground. We are supposed to protect Israel and they are next. Obama is just turning his cheek like nothing’s going on! ‘

  2. jean vercors

    August 9, 2014 at 10:36 am

  3. shmuel

    August 11, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    ‘Another 72 hour cease-fire declared in Gaza from midnight last night Sunday 10 August ,will Hamas or any number of Islamic proxies in Gaza respect the cease-fire or will Islamic Jihad operating on Hamas instructions send more Qassams into Ashdod,Ashkelon and Sderot ,time will tell ?’

  4. Dr CALVO

    August 12, 2014 at 7:45 pm

    The Petition: Hamas leaders must be tried for War Crimes and

    Crimes agaisnt Humanity – SIGN!


    The Hamas leaders must be tried for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.

    We wish that the United Nations

    and the world expressed themselves in this regard.

    As you know, Hamas is a terrorist

    organization and recognized as such by the United States and the European

    Union, but so far, nobody has thought seek to prosecute its leaders for these

    crimes. Today it is time to do so.

    This is why I ask you to sign

    this petition and make it known to your friends and acquaintances.

    We must reach and even exceed 1.000.000 signatures. There must be at least

    a million persons in this world who will dare to express their opinion and ask

    that Justice be done

    We count on you.

     Endre Mozes


    Dr Michel CALVO

    Attorney at Law

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