
Who’s afraid of big, bad Og?
Believe it or not, there was a time when Moses was afraid. Yes, the greatest leader of all time, the man who vanquished Pharaoh, split the sea, brought down the ten commandments, this spiritual colossus was afraid. Who could possibly frighten Moses?
The end of parshat Chukat tells us the story. The Israelites were about to go into battle against Og, King of Bashan, a mighty warrior, literally a giant. And Moses was afraid to such an extent that the Almighty had to assuage his fears.
Why did Og inspire such dread in the great prophet? Surely, he had dealt with more formidable threats in his career. According to Rashi, the story goes back many years. Og – or according to some commentaries, the ancestor of the current king – escaped from battle during the days of Abraham. This refugee then came to Abraham and informed him of his nephew Lot’s capture in battle. Abraham immediately went into action, fought the kings, and successfully rescued Lot. Moshe was afraid to do battle with Og lest the merit he had acquired when helping Abraham stand him in good stead.
But was it really such a good deed? The same Rashi, in his commentary on Genesis, informs us that Og’s motives were not at all altruistic. Apparently, by telling Abraham that Lot had been taken captive, Og was hoping that Abraham would attempt to rescue his nephew and be killed in battle so that Og could then take Abraham’s beautiful wife, Sarah, for himself, hardly an act of magnanimous righteousness! Why would Moses be worried about the spiritual merit of conduct tainted by such ulterior motives?
The answer is that although Og’s motives were far from unselfish, the fact is that he had done Abraham a kindness. Abraham was grateful for the information, and was successful in saving Lot. So, although Og’s reasons were less than noble, the end result of his deed was good and Abraham considered it a favour.
That’s why Moses was afraid of Og lest that spiritual credit protect him. And that’s why the Almighty needed to put Moses’ mind at ease by reassuring him and saying, “Do not fear him.”
It’s an incredible lesson in the power of chesed, acts of loving kindness. That one good turn, performed so many years back, and nog out of sinister motivation, could cause Moses so much anxiety is proof positive of the awesome, long-term positive effects of even one single act of kindness.
Deeds of goodness and kindness have the power to protect us from harm. A single act of compassion, of helping someone in need, has the capacity to shield us. In the end, we’re not only helping them but also helping ourselves.
May we be inspired to be a little more considerate to each other, a little more helpful to those around us, and may our benevolence protect us and our families from any harm.