
WIZO discusses ‘agony and ecstasy’ of marriage

Psychologist and couples therapist, Connie Valkin, spoke recently to the Women’s International Zionist Organisation’s (WIZO’s) Women Inspired branch about the intricacies of marriage.




The talk was titled, “What goes on inside marriage… the agony and the ecstasy”. Issues were raised like how it is possible – although not easy, with the right help – to heal from infidelity; how long marriage relationships differ from new ones; and how doomed relationships can often be predicted by the frequency of critical and contemptuous remarks.

Questions from the audience came thick and fast, covering complications including step-children, snoring, gaslighting (psychological manipulation), thoughts about arranged marriage, couples who like different bedtimes, and one’s ex turning into the exact person you wanted after you have divorced him/her.

The audience was let in on some therapeutic secrets about body language, and how the principles of Judaism are never at odds with good psychology.

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