
Yad Aharon & Michael’s recent gala dinner fundraiser



Yad Aharon & Michael’s recent gala dinner fundraiser, Behind the Silhouettes, shone light on the 750 families who receive food assistance from the organisation.

Guests experienced a profound metaphorical journey into the depths of human experience. Just as a silhouette represents a mere outline devoid of detail, so too can the stories of those who receive food parcels from Yad initially seem obscured by the shadows of anonymity and despair. However, as one delves deeper by shining the light of compassion and understanding onto the silhouettes, they reveal intricate and unique narratives. By shedding light on a handful of stories, the audience was humbled by recipients’ struggles, resilience, strength, and bravery.

On arrival, guests were guided through an installation depicting what 750 food boxes look like. They were then introduced to recipients’ stories in a performance produced by Gina Shmukler. Thereafter, a video displayed the raw courage of recipients. Our unique and exquisite shadow dance journeyed from despair and hunger to joy and food security – choreographed by Talia Kodesh and Marise Dusheiko Mishan. We held onto every word shared by Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein, and the event culminated with a keynote address by Yad Chief Executive Lauren Silberman, saying, “I implore each of you to open your hearts and to join us as champions by supporting the work of Yad Aharon. Together, we’ll ensure that those most in need continue to receive the most basic and fundamental right to food.”

“Sensational night. A masterpiece.”

“Moving and perfectly balanced between tears and laughter, pain and joy.”

“Yad Aharon provides us with weekly food without judgement. This has been a lifeline.”

“Yad Aharon’s generosity has helped me to rebuild my life. I’m profoundly grateful towards every donor for their kindness and compassion, which have brought hope into my darkest days.”

“We’ve had to explain to our children why we receive food parcels, teaching them gratitude while longing for a different reality. Your generosity sustains us, and I’m grateful for the portion of hope you provide with each donation.”

“Your generosity is a beacon of light in our lives, offering hope and sustenance when we need it most.”

“Yad has embraced me with unparalleled kindness. Words fail to express my gratitude to the donors for the invaluable support they’ve provided.”

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