
Yeshiva College expands leadership programme
Traditionally, the school’s leadership positions were only in sport, resulting in activity being limited to house captains at the annual swimming gala and athletics day.
Now, the school aims to take that sense of ruach created at these events, belonging, and pride, and extend it to all of its core values and activities. At the same time, the school will expand the range of those activities. It will do this by creating unique leadership opportunities for every Grade 6 pupil in their specific houses.
The following leadership positions have been created for Grade 6s:
- Sports, arts and culture, promoting derech eretz (respect);
- Torah and mitzvot, promoting Talmud Torah and Halacha;
- Israel and Zionism, promoting love of Israel;
- Chesed and outreach, promoting gemillut chassadim (performance of loving kindness); and
- Media and marketing, promoting ahavat Hashem (love of Hashem).
Digital transformation expert Akiva Beebe spoke at the launch of the school’s leadership programme. Beebe, a regular keynote speaker and writer, is an expert on the development of leadership practice in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.